2023 - 2025
Raising awareness and mobilizing to increase urban climate resilience through artistic interventions (reallabor)
Decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) inspired by the idea of self-governance of non-human stakeholders
ongoing - to be completed by end of 2024
The ZK/U - Center for Art and Urbanistics is growing!
Online-learning platform encouraging citizen-driven actions in the urban landscape – Change It Yourself!
Produktionsort für Berliner Projekträume, Initiativen, Kollektive und Einzelakteure
2023 - 2024
Creating new prototypes of culture programming to rediscover unique public spaces and create new forms of vibrant short performance bites
JAN 01 - JUNE 30 2023
A call for collective care between ZK/U, the artists-in-residence and communities in Moabit and beyond.
2021 - 2023
A scaled-down version of the future roof terrace on the forecourt of ZK/U Berlin.
From Berlin to Kassel by Roof-Boat
MAY 01 - SEP 30 2023
Once the pride of socialist urban planning, today Germany's largest urban heritage site: Eisenhüttenstadt is full of surprises
Curatorial Research Residencies in Berlin, Lagos, Johannesburg and Nairobi for emerging curators and cultural practitioners
2021 - 2023
Transdisciplinary inquiry and community that explores and mobilizes moments of collective production of knowledge, imagination, research and multivocal representations of the Balkans beyond borders and nationalisms
2021 - 2022
reflecting upon utopian narratives and transformational patterns of the two monofunctional cities Eisenhüttenstadt and Visaginas
Haus der Statistik // KMAII
Research to conceptualise, understand, and map motivation and ideas of independent urban actors
Inclusive urban planning in the wake of European Capital of Culture 2020 in Rijeka
Podcast im Rahmen des Projekts CETKA, der die Alltagskultur in Russland von vielen Blickwinkeln aus betrachtet
Production and communication platform for cooperative forms of production
The Berlin Fact-Finding Committee (“Untersuchungsausschuss”) at ZK/U
Mar 2018 - Oct 2019
A cooperation between ZK/U - Center for Art and Urbanistics (Berlin, DE) and MOM - Museum of Housing Estates (Lublin, PL)
Exploring the history, present and future of urban furniture in collaboration with artists, urban explorers, administrators, politicians, activists and researchers
Gemeinsame Alltagskultur von Künstlern, Initiativen, geflüchteten Neu-Berlinern und Alt-Berlinern
Connecting artists to organizations from the non-art-sphere
Urban Narratives is an academic, artistic and publishing exchange between Berlin, Germany and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Trans-sectoral projects of ZK/U (Cultural Sector), Quartiersmanagement Moabit-West (Public Administration) and Studio ParaArtFormations (Private Sector)