Pop-Up Exhibition, screenings and talks in the framework of lumbung program by ZK/U Berlin at documenta fifteen
27. - 29.07.2022
ruruHaus Reno (entrance from Treppenstraße): Ob. Königsstraße 43, 34117 Kassel
Curators: Platform Tu (Mariupol), Kultura Medialna (Dnipro), Garage 127 (Kharkiv), Totem (Kherson)
We are Ukrainians. Citizens of Ukraine have taken up arms and are fighting for freedom, democracy and human dignity, switched from cozy living to non-stop volunteering in order to help others to survive and to resist. We are different, but we have one goal - to defeat the evil that came to our land to destroy life. Our contribution to documenta fifteen is to think together with its international community about the reasons of the aggressive war that the Russian Federation unleashed against the civilized world, about the blind spots of the Europeans on the map and in European history, about freedom, decoloniality and the danger of forgetting the past.
We propose to documentafifteen visitors and participants: Talk with Ukrainians, not about them! We invite the audience to come, exchange and discuss with us: About weapons, westsplaining, identity, decoloniality, nationalism, freedom, totalitarianism and collectivity:
“Citizenship Ukraine” is a 3-day programme curated by 4 Ukrainian cultural organisations and collectives as part of ZK/U’s ecosystem at documenta fifteen. Artists and activists from Mariupol, Kharkiv, Dnipro, and Kherson will spend the154th, 155th, and 156th day of full-scale Russian war against Ukraine in Kassel showcasing exhibitions, workshops, discussions, film screenings, and presentations at ruruHaus and AKA.
Participants: Platform Tu (Mariupol), Kultura Medialna (Dnipro), Garage 127 (Kharkiv), Totem (Kherson). Moderator: Larysa Venediktova. Invited guests: Yulia Kryvych, Olesya Onikeyenko, Marianna Matveichuk, Heike Winkel, Inga Pylypchuk, Maxim Nakonechny
The programme is funded by the lumbung Network and the Federal Foreign Office.
All events are free, donations for Ukraine are welcome. Questions, interviews or additional information needed? Write to us via cetka(at)