OPENHAUS 23/06/2016

English version below
Installationen, Performances, Video, Fotografie, KünstlerInnengespräche und Filmvorführung
Eintritt: Frei
Im Juni feiern wir die längsten Tage des Jahres, unter anderem mit poetischen Untersuchungen und Diskussionen über “Reisen, Transit und Migration”. Mit einer Videoarbeit über Zeitverschwendung, einer Präsentation, die sich mit Sicherheitsfragen in Südkorea auseinandersetzt, und einer Installation einer Künstlerfamilie über das Spielen und die Risiken in öffentlichen Parks. Es wird vielfältig, kommt vorbei.
Das OPENHAUS ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes, öffentliches Format des ZK/U. Unser Residency Programm bietet internationalen KünstlerInnen, StadtforscherInnenn, AktivistInnen und anderen ExpertInnen die Möglichkeit für mehrere Monate an Projekten in den Atelierwohnungen des ZK/U zu arbeiten. Am Ende des Monats bieten diese KünstlerInnen beim OPENHAUS Einblicke in ihre Arbeit und laden das Berliner Publikum dazu ein mit ihnen über ihre Projekte und Prozesse zu diskutieren.
TeilnehmerInnen der ZK/U Residenz: Kyeung Hee Lee, Vincent Marquis, Patrick Mudekereza, Rachel Peachey, Paul Mosig, Paul Ndunguru, Veronica Troncoso, Kalisolaite Uhila, Baufachfrau, Nomadic Art, Deúniti
Nach der Führung wird der Film "Kaffee Morgentau" von den Filmemachern, Inti Gallardo und Wolfgang Bongers, über die Sekte Colonia Dignidad in Chile, gezeigt.
Essen ab 18:30/Führung um 20:00/Film ab Sonnenuntergang
[email protected]
Installation, performance, video, photography, artist talks and movie projection
Free entry
The OPENHAUS is a regular public format that takes place every month in ZK/U, inviting audiences to connect with the hosted projects and to explore the process of its residency programme.
This June we will celebrate one of the longest days of the year with, among others, a poetic exploration and discussion about « journeys, transit and migration », video works about wasting time, a presentation dealing with security questions in South Korea, and a family installation around play and risk in public parks.
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the artists in residency and explore ZK/U’s space and surroundings, to ask questions, to discuss and to exchange ideas about ongoing projects and artistic practices.
Participating artists: Kyeung Hee Lee, Vincent Marquis, Patrick Mudekereza, Rachel Peachey, Paul Mosig, Paul Ndunguru, Veronica Troncoso, Kalisolaite Uhila, Baufachfrau, Nomadic Art, Deúniti
After the tour of the residence, "Kaffee Morgentau", a film by Inti Gallardo and Wolfgang Bongers about the sect Colonia Dignidad in Chile, will be projected.
Food from 6.30pm/Tour at 8pm/Film at dusk
[email protected]

Veronica Troncoso
Resisting in Tongues
Narratives and their Translations: the Possibility of Crossing Boundaries
"I work with the idea of resistance. I questionned resistance through the conception of borders. How do the borders reflect in the sky? How do sounds, carried by the air, cross over boundaries?
In "Resisting in Tongues" I put together two different materials : a video of the sky at the Chile-Argentina border and a audio recording of seven voices reading stories about women resistance against chilean dictatorship.
Through this work I want to poetize the utopia of open borders for air and flux by setting different kinds of information related to untouchable landscapes into one singular exhibition space.
This produces a discursive tension between The Open - free transit – , The Closed - the border. In between, resistance is like an action in which time does not exist."

Kaffee Morgentau (movie)
Kaffee Morgentau: quiere ir a ver el sótano? / Kaffee Morgentau. Do you want to see the basement?
Directors: Inti Gallardo & Wolf Bongers
56 min.
Blu-Ray; DCP
Colonia Dignidad is a criminal German sect that settled in Chile in 1961, notorious for being a place of tortures and child abuses that was active until the end of the nineties. During the Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1989), the sect closely collaborated with the intelligence services torturing and murdering political prisoners at their premises. In Santiago, the capital of Chile, close to the National Stadium, the sect bought a villa where they opened a grocery shop called “Kaffee Morgentau”. The place is a silent witness of the atrocities committed by their members, and also of Chilean recent History. The documentary works as an experimental reflection of these sinister events occurred at the house, assembling archive material, old and new images, literary quotes, fragments of testimonies, voices and sound that reflect the different layers of memory surrounding the villa.
For more infos (in German) :
Vincent Marquis
Flots (extracts)
Vincent will present part of the work Flots, a poetic exploration of the effect on the mind and the body of journeys, transit and migration. In its reduced version, the work attempts to make sense of migration and identity in the form of short questions or instructions that visitors can take with them, like waves travelling to a yet unknown shore… Flots is a work made in collaboration with Suzanne Sanders.
Vincent will also take this opportunity to discuss the research project he will be undertaking at ZK/U this summer on the geography of justice. Members of the audience will be invited to share their thoughts on questions such as: How are injustices and inequalities embedded in the built environment that surrounds us? What role can artists play in helping us pay attention to the presence of those injustices and, eventually, in correcting them?

Kyeung Hee Lee
Thin-layer / the basement of a fortress
"I am reflecting on the concept of fortress which is a symbol of security.
I have the feeling that my people in Korea need more security. The government is not able to bring security to the people. The two latest disasters - the fire in the underground of Daegu in 2003 and the sinking of the Sewol ship in 2014 - are two examples of the carelessness of the government.
In my work I am thinking about how to resist and how to protect ourselves from disasters."

Patrick Mudekereza
1. (Mis)Treated Treaties
During residencies at the Royal Museum for Central Africa from 2008 to 2011, Patrick worked on transfers of land by local dignitaries of the Boma region to the Committee for Studies of the Upper Congo, an agency that preceded the Congo Free State. These may seem difficult to appreciate for the non-archivist, but their impact was immense.
The strangeness of these written documents and of the language they use in a world and at a time when the spoken word prevailed, incited Patrick Mudekereza to revisit the documents through the spoken word, and, with the complicity of Aline Bosuma and Pitcho Womba Konga, to interfere with them through slamming.
2. Le Parcours d´Albert (Albert´s Route)
Albert Kapepa is a science fiction writer based in Lubumbashi. In 2013, he was invited by Patrick to show "his" Lubumbashi. His narrative of the city emphasises the mystic character of the architecture in Lubumbashi (haunted houses, prophet's apparitions in differents places, etc.) He sees the colonial architecture as a way to erase the spiritual strength of African and replace it with churches and administration buildings located at ritual places.
In this installation shown for the first time, Patrick puts this narrative in dialogue with this experience of German architecture projects in Berlin and Addis Adeba.

Rachel Peachey & Paul Mosig
This that
Rachel Peachey & Paul Mosig will be presenting video, photography, installation and research work from their two month residency at ZK/U. During this time they have been working as a family with their two young boys Sascha and Jack, looking at urban park landscapes and responding to the different relationships and perspectives found in play and risk taking.

Kalisoite Uhila
"My practice seamlessly draws from both Tongan notions of being and Euro-American art historical legacies of performance from the 1960s onwards. What makes my work is my experiential approach. Rather than performing ideas, I manifest metaphors, which determine a way of being. For an unassuming audience looking into my performance work for some kind of explanation I use silence forces as a projection to create an imprint of impressions to your own thoughts and feelings. Wasting Time in Berlin performed on ifa Gallery was a part of the 2016 Politics of Sharing. Through Tongan perception of Temporal I shared conversations that wasted time-to-time well wasted, from the opening of the exhibition to the closing. In this performance I was referencing temporality not as something that divides cultures but as a way of connecting people."

Recyclers pedal long distances with heavy piles of waste that they meticulously classify with their own hands. Since our excessive consumption patterns as a society outweigh our capacity to take care of our own waste, we unknowingly resort to the silent labor of recyclers. By means of this mural we want to share this story about recyclers with our friends from ZK/U and their neighbors as a way to acknowledge their importance and thank them for their often-unrecognized contribution to society.

.hikk offensiv – re-using the waste of wooden materials
Waste of wooden materials have a big potential. Through the project .hikk offensiv, we made them accessible and useful.
In 2016, we transformed a ship container which took the ground in ZK/U in a pop-up workshop. In this upcycling/open design station, we gathered and also installed woodworks found in the surroundings. With this materials, we built furniture for non—profit organizations with the future users.
During this two-years time project, we want to make the potential of waste of wooden materials useful and accessible (i.e. for a signicative use through social equipments), to work with Open Design workshops in order to build a place for informal knowledge, to develop manuals, design concepts and supports for education, to expand our ideas and results in other cities and to build a good and big .hikk network commited into creative recycling.