… and on it goes, after a nice kickoff. The Gütermarkt at the ZK/U is going into the 2nd round on the 5th June 2016 from 11am-7pm. We welcome with us the usual jumble, a electro repair service, sheku the alternation tailor, the Baufachfrauen Berlin e.V., Foodsharing, Kärrecho, AYE, NomadicArt, the Stadtfrauenküche, the Berlin Fahrradmarkt and architecture students of the FH Potsdam. The Gütermarkt is alongside its program and music part of the Ortstermin at the ZK/U.
If you are interested in renting a stand, feel free to register here https://goo.gl/9jG7Vy
The next dates: 03. July; 07. August; 04. September & 02. October