OPENHAUS 25/08/2016

English version below
Installationen, Performances, Video und KünstlerInnengespräche
Eintritt: Frei
Wie verwandelt man Müll und Unnützes in Dinge, die jeder haben will oder gar braucht? Hinweise darauf wird das Openhaus im August geben: es wird in Berlins orangefarbene Mülleimer eingetaucht - Backwaren werden verkostet, gefüllt mit Samen und wilden Kräutern aus dem Kiez. Das Publikum ist eingeladen, durch Tanzperformances und einen Live-Ballon-Mapping Workshop, die Bodenhaftung zu verlieren und abzuheben. Darüber hinaus wird es Videoarbeiten, Installationen und Künstlergespräche zu entdecken geben.
Das OPENHAUS ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes, öffentliches Format des ZK/U. Unser Residency Programm bietet internationalen KünstlerInnen, StadtforscherInnenn, AktivistInnen und anderen ExpertInnen die Möglichkeit für mehrere Monate an Projekten in den Atelierwohnungen des ZK/U zu arbeiten. Am Ende des Monats bieten diese KünstlerInnen beim OPENHAUS Einblicke in ihre Arbeit und laden das Berliner Publikum dazu ein mit ihnen über ihre Projekte und Prozesse zu diskutieren.
TeilnehmerInnen der ZK/U Residenz: Tito Aderemi-Ibitola, Narae Jin, Marit Lindberg, Claudia Martinez Mansell zusammen mit Mustapha Dakhloul and Firas Ismail, Michelle Monareng, Yunju Park, Luana Wojaczek Perilli, Andrew Rewald, Johan Suneson, Viktor Vejvoda & Nomadic Art
Essen ab 19:00/Führung um 20:00
[email protected]
Picture © TROJAN TACTICS (Gemini Kim, Sébastien Mazauric, Viktor Vejvoda)
Installation, performance, video and artist talks
Free entry
The OPENHAUS is a regular public format that takes place every month in ZK/U, inviting audiences to connect with the hosted projects and to explore the process of its residency program.
How to turn waste and undesirables into things that everybody begs for ? The August edition of Openhaus will provide some clues through diving into Berlin orange trash bins and tasting of pastries stuffed with seeds and weeds from around the block. On this special evening, the audience will also be invited to take off from the ground through dance performances and a live balloon-mapping workshop. Among other pieces such like video, installations and artist talks.
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the artists in residency and explore ZK/U’s space and surroundings, to ask questions, to discuss and to exchange ideas about ongoing projects and artistic practices.
Participating artists: Tito Aderemi-Ibitola, Narae Jin, Marit Lindberg, Claudia Martinez Mansell in collaboration with Mustapha Dakhloul and Firas Ismail, Michelle Monareng, Yunju Park, Luana Wojaczek Perilli, Andrew Rewald, Johan Suneson, Viktor Vejvoda & Nomadic Art
Food from 7pm/Tour at 8pm
[email protected]
Picture © TROJAN TACTICS (Gemini Kim, Sébastien Mazauric, Viktor Vejvoda)

Tito Aderemi-Ibitola
1. Red. Pt. 1
"believe something which you know it is not real"
This short film plays with the physiology of perception using auditory and optical illusion as story devices.
The short video plays with notion of spirituality possession, african metaphysics, memory, experience, and the anatomical realities of our subjective senses. By the end of film, the viewer will see images that are not "there" but are very much a part of their reality.
2. Abasax Mandigo-Punana! Trance Hall XXX
As part of ongoing visual treatise on the construction of black and performance of gender, Abrarax Mandigo-Punana! Trance Hall XXX, explores the construction of black as it relates to movement and (hyper)sexuality particularity in within the Berlin club scene.
Participants are invited to indulge in the 'erotic-exotic-illicite' by grooving to afrocentric-house and trance music. In the piece I’m hoping to induce the transient state that is supposedly indicative of the black body’s hypnotic sexuality. Playing with and subverting the mythos surrounding black movement, music, and bodies.
Afrologic will provide the music for the Abasax Mandigo-Punana! Trance Hall XXX.

Narae Jin
Genealogy of K.
Genealogy of K.
Narae Jin is visiting Berlin to find a trail of her long-forgotten family member. Disguised as a tourist, she explores the cold war era when her grandfather went missing. While traveling, she collects family stories related to the cold war and/or cases of disappearance and creates a combined family genealogy. Stories she encounters in Berlin become references to the past and/or future times of Korea, and postcards that she writes to her grandfather mirror this mixed genealogy and how cold war remains in our present life.
Project supported by Arts Council Korea

Marit Lindberg
Songs from a window - and other performances (documentation of performances)
Songs from a window - and other performances (documentation of performances)
Marit Lindberg has conducted several social performances in public and semipublic spaces, often together with locals and people in the neighborhood. The works can include soccer-teams, choirs, karate-groups or singing children.
At the August Openhaus at ZK/U she will show documentary videos from some of her performances.

Claudia Martinez Mansell
Mapping A Refugee Camp
Mapping A Refugee Camp
How does a refugee camp look like when it has been in existence for 60 years? This short exhibit will show some images of Bourj Al Shamali, a sixty year old Palestinian refugee camp in south Lebanon, taken from the sky with a cheap DIY balloon mapping technique (developed by Public Lab). The work will be contextualized with reference to the rich and complex history of aerial photography.
A "Mappening" of ZK/U
With Mustapha Dakhloul and Firas Ismail from Bourj Al Shamali refugee camp, a demonstration of the DIY mapping technique will be tested to photograph ZK/U from the sky.

Michelle Monareng
If this is Your Land, where are Your Stories?
The Lie of the Land
The Lie of the Land looks at the history of the 1965 forced removals of residents from Rietspriut No. 417 I.R, which was a farm located in Heidelberg outside Johannesburg (South Africa) and the manner in which the history of this community in particular has been documented by the Berlin missionaries. What I found interesting in all the documents is the constant denial of the role the Berlin missionaries played in the forced removal of this community and the contradicting documentation of the events leading up to the forced removal. I am interested in the voice that lies silent and hidden; what happens when a spotlight is placed on the discontinuities and ruptures within this constructed narrative.

Yunju Park
Pink to brown
Pink to Brown is about the story of a women who was mentally and physically abused by her parents for 20years in Korea. In this narrative video, she expresses reality of possibility which is another name of impossibility and inability. The stuffs from her life is fallen, broken and piled up by gravity. In the process of destroying all her life, she finally asked herself the possibility of the future or new dimension of life.

Luana Wojaczek Perilli
Luana Wojaczek Perilli opens her studio for a glance on the in-progress work Leopold-O featuring pictures, drawings, notes, puppets and video-preview. Leopold-O is a project that deals with difficult heritage and identities as well as with collective intelligence striving to achieve an overcoming of crisis, war heritage and capitalistic conditioning.
The project is made of videos, performative events, workshops and recently opens up to a linguistic research of children mixed heritage dialect of Berlin.

Andrew Rewald
The Conceptual Cookbook Project
The Conceptual Cookbook Project
Weed: a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants.
Wild edible plants are commonly referred to as weeds, but most are actually the ancestors of modern monoculture crops. Weeds have been grown and harvested for food and medicine in all cultures throughout human history. They are first to germinate wherever soil is disturbed and play key ecological roles.
My project at ZK/U is to explore systems of mapping and create a database of foraging locations, associated historical information and recipes I create while in Berlin. This research represents the first chapter of new work titled The Conceptual Cookbook. The Cookbook will frame social interaction and collaboration in diverse city contexts, exploring the politics of food as a symbol of global migration, environmental awareness and our impact on the ecology.

Johan Suneson
Johan Suneson, born in Västanfors, Sweden 1963. He is a painter and sculptor living in Malmö, Sweden. Educated at Valand Academy of Fine Art, Gothenburg. His works has been featured in exhibitions such as Färgfabriken, Stockholm 2008, Galleri Ping-Pong, Malmö 2012, Paço das Artes, Sâo Paulo 2014, Open Art, Örebro, Sweden 2015, Momentos resonantes, Casa Dieciocho Espacio de Artes, Quito, Equador, 2015, Museu de Arte Contemporanea, Sâo Paulo, 2015.
Together with Leif Skoog he has published the book "Jacob Storhufvud and the double mission" in 2015.

Viktor Vejvoda
TT →
Caffeine → 1,3,7-Trimethylpurine-2,6-dione
Key words: Coffee and Cake for old and broken Electronics, absurd, fantasies, aesthetic VS. ethic, urban realm, mapping, Trojan Horses, haircut, moustache cut, trash&treasure, 소변금지.

ZK/U + M
NomadicArt is offering diverse creative and cultural acitivities, that empowers newly arrived citizens to enter the ‘public arena’ despite legal obstacles restricting their mobility and inclusion in social life. The workshops and events facilitated by NomadicArt are co-created by migrants and experts. They provide a safe space for exchange and action. Besides that, NomadicArt is connecting and including various stakeholders from society: migrants, refugees, activists, researchers, volunteers and other actors in the close neighborhood.