Gütermarkt #4

Handicraft meets “Innovation"
Gütermarkt #4
- Fleamarket stands (book now!)
- Kids fleamarket (bring blankets!)
- Repair service on spot
- Food with ZK/ook
- Drinks at FEVALA
with re:publica, You-tube-Video-Disco, Fevala-Comback and the best used-goods-market in town, including on the spot repair services and diagnosis.
The Gütermarkt-year starts with a variety of highlights: machines, which now also jump on the bandwagon of d.i.y.-culture, humans, which eventually hop off, taking a selfie whilst doing so. For real: There’ll be 3-D printer, printing a 3-D Printer (and so on), a mobile selfie-box, music making vegetables and batteries finishing themselves off… After hightech comes slow tech: Get your favorite fashion item copied with an oldschool sewing machine.
Talking of oldschool: Following the Streetfood-Smoothie-Pulled-Pork-Foodtruck-Market trend it’s time for something new: ZK/ook - the new centralised cooking station of ZK/U. Here, you’ll get TOTALLY NORMAL dishes, served in a TOTALLY NORMAL manner. (Chefs without tattoos!) Crazy, for real!