
Project at ZK/U - Tita Salina, Irwan Ahmett

Tita Salina ( Indonesia ), Irwan Ahmett ( Indonesia )

Because the city was built from customs and regulation that increasingly become stereotype until felt saturated and boring. We want to interrupt the customs by offering maneuvering ways that are energetic, mischievous, humorous, ironic and spontaneous. We have entitled this new project: Citizen Tactics.

Citizen Tactics tries to present the basic ways to survive, interact, communicate up to design individual conspiracy in the urban scale with a focus on specific areas by using recording media, whether photos or video as a tool that are easy to be distributed and responded by the parties who have common interests. Citizen Tactics is the simpler forms of opposition from the regularity of a very hierarchical system. The project will apply the steps that are unexpected, through the execution oriented to a surprising outcome.