We are the ZK/U in Berlin: production site, artist/research-residency, program platform. In our work we connect local practice and global discourse. Get involved!
ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics
Siemensstrasse 27
10551 Berlin
Press & Communication: +49 3039882650
Residency: +49 30 39885840
Projects: +49 30 39885842
Events: As we are currently under construction, space booking for any kind of event is not possible at the moment.
Press & Communication inquiries: kommunikation(at)zku-berlin.org
Residency inquiries: residency(at)zku-berlin.org
Project inquiries: projects(at)zku-berlin.org
A new, innovative venue offering artistic and research residencies of 2–12 months duration for art production at the interface of urban research opened its doors in summer 2012 in the district of Moabit in Berlin-Mitte, on the edges of Berlin‘s largest inland port, Westhafen.
Our projects are artistic, research-related, socially relevant and often international experiments that can eventually turn into ZK/U Formats.
2023 - 2025
Raising awareness and mobilizing to increase urban climate resilience through artistic interventions (reallabor)
Decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) inspired by the idea of self-governance of non-human stakeholders
ongoing - to be completed by end of 2024
The ZK/U - Center for Art and Urbanistics is growing!
Online-learning platform encouraging citizen-driven actions in the urban landscape – Change It Yourself!
Produktionsort für Berliner Projekträume, Initiativen, Kollektive und Einzelakteure
Satellites are ZK/U initiated projects happening outside of the physical space of ZK/U, or are organized by collaborators and partners at ZK/U.
Itinerant platform for research, discussion and sonic knowledge production
Exploring the notion of boundaries in order to understand better where some things end and others begin.
Nach dem Eröffnungswochenende Mitte September, das uns einen wunderbaren Vorgeschmack auf die Zukunft gegeben hat, beginnt jetzt die abschließende Bauphase.
In den kommenden Monaten werden Restarbeiten wie die Installation des Fahrstuhls, Schallschutzmaßnahmen sowie der finale Innenausbau durchgeführt.
Wir freuen uns darauf, ab nächstem Frühjahr das fertiggestellte ZK/U gemeinsam mit euch zu erleben.
Following the opening weekend in mid-September, which gave us a wonderful preview of what’s to come, we go into the final construction phase.
In the coming months, finishing touches such as the installation of the elevator, soundproofing measures, and completing the interior construction will be carried out.
We look forward to experiencing the fully completed ZK/U with you next spring.