

OPENHAUS - Offene Studios, Installationen und Resident*innengespräche.

Beim OPENHAUS werden einmal im Monat die Türen zu den Atelierstudios der Resident*innen beim ZK/U geöffnet. Die Besucher*innen sind eingeladen, das Residenz-Programm kennenzulernen und sich mit den anwesenden Resident*innen über Projekte und Arbeitsprozesse auszutauschen.

19:00-22:30 Offene Studios, Installationen & Essen
20:00 Führung durch die Ausstellung

Teilnehmende Resident*innen: Monireh Askari, Daniel Greenfield-Campoverde, Boris Jöns, OPEN DESIGN, Sven Soric, Hrvoje Spudic und Byungseo Yoo

Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, die Künstler*innen kennenzulernen, die Umgebung und Räume des ZK/Us zu entdecken, Fragen zu stellen und Ideen über laufende Projekte und künstlerische Praktiken auszutauschen.

*Die Veranstaltung ist mit dem Rollstuhl erreichbar und besitzt eine all-bodies-Toilette.


Freier Eintritt
Veranstaltet von: www.zku-berlin.org/residency/

[Translate to Deutsch:] Ständige Vertretung (Boris Jöns)

[Translate to Deutsch:] The “Igel der Begegnung” is a joint project of Alexander Callsen and Boris Jöns. They use as exploring and mapping tool around the area of the former „Haus der Statistik“ near Alexanderplatz in Berlin. While carrying it around the object becomes both a mascot and inspiration for residents and passers to talk about places of encounter in a former socialist neighbourhood with increasingly privately owned housing. Are the spirits of encounter still around?

[Translate to Deutsch:] Monireh Askari

[Translate to Deutsch:] Monireh Askari has spent the first two weeks of her residency at ZK/U focusing on collective living, shared spaces and its social relations. She started exploring and collecting data from the generic shared spaces here and also from the social relations inside ZK/U and its surrounding spaces pointing its behaviors and communicational disciplines.

Within these two weeks she also got involved with different languages and cultures in relation to other residents coming from a diverse backgrounds exploring their differences and similarities in communication.

For the Open House, Askari reflects her experience as an artist in residence using various fragments together, putting different layers of data and references through one.

[Translate to Deutsch:] Byungseo Yoo

[Translate to Deutsch:] ‘Parallel and Phase’,(2018) is continuous live set which consists of various noises, which takes place in the immaculate dark room. There is live streaming involves that presenting in SNS platform as well as in video installation.

[Translate to Deutsch:] Daniel Greenfield-Campoverde

[Translate to Deutsch:] Daniel devoted his first three weeks at ZK/U exploring the architectural landscape of Moabit. One day, whilst grocery shopping, he stumbled upon the Solpersteine at the entrance of 46 Oldenburgerstrasse- the Dominican monastery of Saint Paul.  

He has photographed the facades of 83 buildings in Moabit containing Stolpersteine on their entryways. His interest in documenting and creating this inventory, is, in fact, related to the shifting presence of architecture even under the effects of war. Some sites, for example, lay entirely vacant, while others display decidedly modernist and post-modernist facades, thus, blurring the distinction between destruction and reconstruction.

He investigates the question in how architecture can evoke traces of memory, and if indeed, architecture, is immune to the forces of history?  

[Translate to Deutsch:] Open Design

[Translate to Deutsch:] In this open house in at ZK/U, Open Design will present the work developed while they were in residency: urban interventions by Random Pointer Kollectiv, several workshops related with the body (Salsa by Juan, Tango by Ceyhun and Yoga by Claudia Lamas Cornejo) and with art theory and practice (Heterotopia by Irene Fernandez Ramos, and color perception by Carla Bertone) as well as continuing some individual and collective works related to their generative and analytical research design processes. They will have a "Build your own BondsNVoids model" assembly table from the project "On Modeling Growth" by Heidi Jalkh, Benjamin and Agustina, and the open trials of the adventure game #PlayDiogenes by Agustina as interactive take-aways for audiences. Join us!