Tiny Oyounity x ZK/U

Oyoun’s Tiny House visits ZK/U!
Sept 18 - Sept 24 2023
ZK/U BerlinSiemensstr. 27, 10551, Berlin, Germany
Between the end of August and mid-October, Oyoun’s Tiny House will be travelling through various Berlin districts - with a stop at ZK/U. Together we’re looking forward to interacting with the neighborhood, local actors and artists, creating meeting places and breaking down barriers.
The Oyoun team has developed a workshop series that combines different practices of decolonial and collective knowledge production and transfer with topics such as marketing, promotion, artistic interventions, design, layout and the creation of artistic bios.
Between the 18th until the 24th of September 2023, Tiny Oyounity stops at ZK/U. Get excited about a great program with pop-up events, workshops on podcasting Hamam Talk, mix taping with Maurice Leoni-Osion and photography with Queer Analog Darkroom.
For more information and to register for the free workshops, visit Oyoun's website.
Mo 18.9. 15:00-18:00 h
Workshop | “The Home ReMixtape Artchives”
w/ Maurice Leonie Osione
Tu 19.9. 11:00-14:00 h
Workshop | “Casting Spells: A songwriting Workshop with Ria Boss”
w/ Ria Boss
We 20.9. 10:00-15:00 h
Workshop | “How to Podcast?- Podcasting im antirassistischen/aktivistischen Kontext”
w/ Hamam Talk
Th 21.9. 18:00-22:00 h
Pop-Up Event | “rituals for the anthropocene”
w/ hugo x tibiriçá
Fr 22.9. 18:30-20:30 h
Workshop | “Breaking Poetics and Aesthetics”
w/ John Seung-Hwan Lee
Su 24.9. 15:00-19:00 h
Workshop | “Seeing Yourself: Queer Self-Portraits”
w/ Jasper & Sophie - QAD

The Tiny OyoUnity project is part of the DRAUSSENSTADT initiative funded by the Berliner Project Fund Urban Practice and the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The capacity bridging workshops are funded as part of the OyoUnity project by the State of Berlin - Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the “Strengthening innovation potential in culture INP III” program.