OPENHAUS 26/10/2017

OPENHAUS - Offene Studios, Installationen und Resident*innengespräche
Das OPENHAUS ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes, öffentliches Format des ZK/U. Das Publikum ist eingeladen das Residenz Programm kennenzulernen und mit ihnen über ihre Projekte und Prozesse zu diskutieren.
Beim Openhaus im Oktober beschäftigen sich die Arbeiten der Künstler*innen und Forscher*innen des ZK/U mit der Beziehung von Individuen oder Gemeinschaften zu ihren Umgebungen. So kann die Klangwelt, die uns umgibt, Menschen und Dinge auf einer ganz eigenen Ebene verbinden. Erfahrungen und Familiengeschichten innerhalb einer Nachbarschaft lassen ein Netz an Beziehungen entstehen, das in der materiellen Umgebung und dessen Nutzung sichtbar wird.
Inwiefern gestaltet das Zusammenspiel aus Natur und Industrie die urbane Landschaft? Durch den Akt des Badens und den städtischen Bienenstock wird diese Beziehung unter die Lupe genommen. Entsprechen die Erwartungen an und Assoziationen zu Berlin der gelebten Realität? Die Freiheit und Sicherheit, die Berlin ausstrahlt, wird durch eine Karte relativiert, welche die Erfahrungen in einem militarisierten System repräsentiert.
Die Resident*innen präsentieren ihre Arbeiten mithilfe von Video, Skulptur, Malerei und Soundinstallationen und untersuchen wie sich die Stadt aus eigenen und gesammelten Geschichten konstituiert.
Verpasst nicht die Gelegenheit die Künstler*innen kennenzulernen, die Umgebung und Räume des ZK/U’s zu entdecken, Fragen zu stellen und Ideen über laufende Projekte und künstlerische Praxen auszutauschen.
19:00-22:30 Offene Studios und Essen
20:00 Führung durch die Arbeiten der Residenten
21:00 Performances "After The Party" von Nathan Gray und "Klangfest Hier!" von Heather Nicol
OPENHAUS - open studios, installations and resident talks
The OPENHAUS is a regular public format that takes place every month in ZK/U, inviting audiences to connect with the hosted projects and to explore the process of its residency program.
Join us for October’s Openhaus where the artists in residence will showcase their current work, investigating the way individuals or communities relate to their surrounding environment.These may take shape in a sonic environment that invites you to explore how listening bridges the “self” with the “other” or as a neighbourhood filled with experiences and family stories connected to specific places. In the juxtaposition of nature and industry our relation to different urban surroundings become apparent such as in the act of bathing or bees adopting the city as a natural habitat. Your expectations and imaginations of Berlin’s promising lifestyle will be investigated, whereas another art work tries to reimagine the safe and free city as militarized map. The resident artists present work through different media including video, sculpture and paint, which will investigate how the city is being generated by our personal narratives and migration.
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the artists and researchers in residence and explore ZK/U’s space and surroundings, to ask questions, to discuss and to exchange ideas about ongoing projects and artistic practices.
19:00-22:30 Open Studios and Dinner
20:00 Tour through resident's work
21:00 Performances "After The Party" of Nathan Gray and "Klangfest Hier!" of Heather Nicol

Ada Favaron
The subject I am addressing is the image outsiders have of Berlin, the so-called “Berlin style”. Some institutions, clubs, exhibition spaces as well as shop owners create this imagery, either deliberately or without being aware of it: the result is that people decide to visit or move permanently to the city because of their utopic dreams about its lifestyle. But what does this collective imagination mean for each single person? What is its concrete representation, and does this subjective portrait of Berlin change after its discovery or does it somehow manage to stay the same?
The OPENHAUS is an occasion to invite people (of different ages and backgrounds) who have moved to Berlin for a short video interview about their expectations, their dreams and how their encounter with the city has changed them.

Lee Dawson
This set of projects Dawson will be executing during her stay at ZK/U will touch on the themes of urban infrastructure and the human prototype. The projects will be painted and recorded to be used as instruments to push the universal understanding of cultural diversity as a necessary and interrogated exchange of cultural diversity. By providing a visual narrative of this connection through the commonality of subjects in their translation to paint and video installations I hope to question modern diversity and art in a civic infrastructure. The goal of these projects is to extract the beauty of diversity that an urban civilization propagates and present it in the same raw, untouched, unprocessed format accessible to all. By celebrating the differences in artistic communication that can help rectify the divide in cultures that cause tension we can enable compassion and empathy to create altruistic urban artivism.

Heather Nicol
Resident artist Heather Nicol and visiting collaborative partner Martin Julien will demonstrate and invite audience to try out the participatory sonic sculptural forms she has been creating for their upcoming performance event Kangfest Hier! On November 5th at 17:00, all are invited to gather in ZK/U’s HALL for a unique interactive performance that puts the audience at the centre of a choral adventure. Nicol’s work at ZK/U is focused on the exigencies of sound-making and listening as integral aspects of communication. Active listening bridges self and other, and makes fluid the divisions between the singular and the plural. She is exploring the nexus of individuated and collective voice, as well as the occupation of shared space.

Ben Nathan & Matthew Robinson
October Openhaus at ZK/U will showcase the first collaborative work by Artists Ben Nathan and Matthew Robinson. The artwork will take the form of a multimedia film installation, documenting the metaphysical process of bathing. The audience will be immersed in an abstracted recreation of the environment of which it was born out of. It is the juxtaposition of industry and nature within Berlin that is explored within this work.

Soyoung Chung
<Tectonic memories> is a project experimenting the experience of time controlled by place. Including video and sculptural works, the project questions how the structure of memories are built within our society and how personal narratives generate in the city. Using 'Geology' as a main language to visualize sequences of history, the first part of the project, 'Chapter I. A Romance' is a video depicting a journey of minerals throughout various spots of London. Investigating how geological history of London generated the modern urban landscape of the 18-19th century, the video questions the way how we look back to the past. The second chapter in progress investigates the state of double. Through objects and sketches, the politics of relation will be questioned from the personal to historical level of the post-war world in Berlin.

nomadicArt is an art and research platform which will present its latest public project Moabit Stories, an archive of family histories, memories of the neighborhood and latest critical viewpoints of Moabit residents on its development and possible future. In similar way nomadicArt approached visitors of ZK/U Gütermarkt, where interviews took place this summer, the team would like to continue on addressing its activity during OPENHAUS towards public, in a critically-creative and actual-associative way. nomadicArt members will present themselves in a performative way and you are invited to take part.
More information in:
Photo/Illustrations by Linh Nguyen

Orhan Esen
Orhan Esen, has a background in social and economic history, is active as a urban researcher and guide, and is based in Istanbul and Berlin. Currently he is investigating the possibility of setting up a system to evaluate the sustainability of urban transformation projects from the perspective of the inhabitants. For this end, he is involved in dialogue with academicians and professionals in the fields of built environment, with housing right activists and representatives of inhabitants' associations. Members of the project advisory board will convene on occasion of the zk/u open house from 16 00 - 18 00 . The meeting (to be held in german) will be open to any citizen interested in matters of interventions in the realm of housing: "As inhabitants how would we evaluate these interventions ?" The discussions of the meeting will be recorded, and the audio track will be broadcasted in the same meeting room during the open house studio visits, to encourage further participation.
Join the open meeting on thursday! You can find more information within this link

Nathan Gray
Taking Frederic Jameson’s statement that “it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism” as a call to arms for the imagination. Nathan Gray’s recent lectures and live readings invite audiences to collectively imagine better futures, alternate histories and other possible presents.
For ZK/U’s next Openhaus he presents a new work entitled After The Party, in which the audience overhears a phone call where the narrator talks of an encounter with a strange creature while coming home from a party in the snowy streets of a Berlin winter. The work uses science fiction tropes to address ideas of language and political subjectivity.

URBAN BEES – Bärbel Rothhaar and Virág Major with special guests
“URBAN BEES – bees, ecology, democracy“ is an art project, which investigates the questions of living together, democracy and ecology. In the framework of the project a neighborhood beekeeping group was founded and the roof of a container in front of the ZK/U was developed as a bee observation terrace.
More info:
Our presentation at OPENHAUS centers around a transparent observation hive. We will explore into the world of the wasps as well, juxtaposing it to the life in our observation beehive. Next to diverse installations, partial in collaboration with ZK/U resident Heather Nicol, we will present our newly printed documentation and offer a honey tasting. We further intend to collaborate with former ZK/U resident Andrew Rewald.
Andrew Rewald
Andrew Rewald and the Urban Bees are bringing together the themes of bees, pollination and the ongoing threat by agrochemical and biogenetic policies.Andrew will offer Alegría, an ancient honey- and Amaranthus-cake of the Americas and present a map to outline his research.
Since our childhood, we learned that violence is the weakest instrument of expression.
Over time, I learned who has the right, doesn't use weapons to express it ...
But in fact, governments are not so, it's very easy that our brains will be washed as much as possible... soldiers become heroes, violence is always available, weapons are authorized, and the Taxes spent to kill others... with weapons and ammunition Nationally manufactured... and sometimes conscription for military service -like my country.
I come from a place conquered by the army since 1952, and those who share my convictions fall under the list of traitors ... and their military service becomes a prison for at least a year ...
In this period I learned three things ... I have to survive the situation without being brainwashed like the rest of the soldiers, while insisting on my believes.. I comprehended how this military machine functions and how it is mapped... and finally learned how to love my country secretly...
We are all prisoners.. in different dimensions!