Gütermarkt #3b

Bazar bizarre: Fleamarket! Craftsmarket! DIY Market! Christmas Countdown!
13pm - 8pm.
Christmas time is time of cargo exchange. Located in a former cargo station, is predestined for the exchange of christmas goods. Instead of forcing just one more voucher or other useless presents on to your relatives, you can also take existing goods and put them back to life: repair, recycle, restore!
Christmas is troubling: no longer this is the case! Solve all your problems right here, right now:
- Buy and sell presents (quickly come and reserve a stand.
- Packaging service for your presents.
- Present exchange by chance! (Bring a present worth something around 5 euros, put it under the tree and receive a different present instead)
What else? German Glühwein, Waffles, Soup, Live-Music and Drinks of all kind + further big surprises!
Reserve a stand until 17th of December here.
Unterstützt von Actors of Urban Change, ein Programm der Robert Bosch Stiftung in Kooperation mit MitOst e.V.
Gefördert durch die Europäische Union, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, das Land Berlin im Rahmen des Programms "Zukunftsinitiative Stadtteil" (II), Teilprogramm "Soziale Stadt" (Programmjahr 2014)