
Looking Past - Luvuyo Equiano Nyawose

Ses’fikile - siwu mndeni (We’re here, we’re family). Curated by Luvuyo Equiano Nyawose, Jabu Nadia Newman, July 2019. FAKA - Fela Gucci and Desire Photo (c) Daniel Walton, 2019

Luvuyo Equiano Nyawose ( South Africa )

“Looking Past” suggests a complexity of perspectival positions or a multiplicity of layers that endow photographs with a great complexity. The photograph ceases to be a univocal, flat, and incontestable indexical trace of what was, and becomes instead a multi-layered artifact concealing many different standpoints, both spatial and temporal in respect to it (Pinney, 2003: 4-5). Building from his research eBhish’ articulations of black oceanic presence eThekwini, which unpacks amphibious histories and liquid archives, and documents intimate, humanising moments of black social life. Nyawose will research expressions of black social life in public pools and lakes across Berlin – through a mostly collaborative approach of public interventions, interviews, photographic and video graphic inquiries. The anthropologist Christopher Pinney’s concept foregrounds his research approach to depict the nuances and finer utterances. The research does not seek to merely rest on tropes of representation, but speculates and fabulates on multiple histories that shape public space. The output will either be a catalog, a zine or exhibition. 

The mentor of this residency is Julien Enzanza.

Luvuyo is a participant of the TURN2 Residencies’ programme. Funded by the TURN2 programme of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation). Funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media).⠀