Martin Roth-Initiative x ZK/U

apply until August 31
We are pleased to announce that the Martin Roth-Initiative is launching a new call for applications. The Martin Roth-Initiative supports artists and cultural actors at risk by providing financial support for temporary relocation to Germany or within their region of origin. Until 20 September 2023, artists and cultural actors at risk can apply together with non-profit host organisations for safe and creative residencies in Germany of up to 15 months.
ZK/U is seeking for artists and cultural actors at risk to apply in a Tandem.
Artists and cultural actors worldwide are eligible, who
- through their artistic work are committed to an open society, freedom, peace and democracy and who, because of their work or due to other circumstances, experience restrictions on their freedom or threats from state and/or non-state actors
- are still active in their countries of origin, have only recently left their countries of origin (departure after the deadline of the last call for applications by the MRI on the 17.02.2023), or are not safe in their current locations
Please send until August 31 via apply(at) a short mail containing:
- a short description of your person
- some information on your situation of risk
- short sketch of the project idea (max. 5 sentence)
Your information will be treated confidentially.
More information via: