Genius Loci is a research project on the cityscape. The subject is ‘urban transition and new identities’. It focuses on those places of the city that have an unclear appearance as marginal sites that have been left aside because of different reasons and become undefined in the absence of human activity or spaces that born with a precise intent of use, have acquired their own identity thanks to unexpected social interaction.
Jukai at ZK/U led a deep exploration in Moabit district from the communal spaces of the Center for Art and Urbanistics until the boundaries of that island catching seemingly anonymous neglected uncultivated glimpses and studying their spontaneous and uncontrollable transformation processes that make such a place extremely vital. They interacted through temporary site-specific actions aimed to reveal the variety and variability of their individuals. They also started a long-term project by taking care of a denied passage and working on a flowering site-specific installation that might give back that in the future as an open-air-laboratory and a common garden for the neighbourhood.
Project supported by the Italian Council (2021), Directorate-General for Contemporary Creativity, Italian Ministry of Culture