
Urban Care Picknick with PfandStraße

(c) Jo Jankowski, 2023

A PfandStraße Derive (English & German), exploratory city walk with Niko Angiuli followed by a discussion, at an Apperitivo at ZK/U, on personal as well as structural experiences of collecting bottles, as Urban Care Taking.

July 10 // 5:30 pm

ZK/U BerlinSiemensstr. 27, 10551, Berlin, Germany

PfandStraße - Berlin's can and bottle sammlers stand as a heterogeneous and unstructured community: hundreds of individualities operating without any protection, any welfare measures, any contract or health insurance. A tax on the consumption of beverages has turned into an economic space of action for a multitude of pickers; but not only that, because this multitude embodies in exemplary form a model of care for public space - especially in light of the ecological transition - a crucial theme in the Europe's 2030 agenda. 

A Pfandstrasse derive with Nico Angiuli as collective bottle collection is organized in Moabit (10th of July), where a group of pickers would accompany the public to experience the city according to their lens, using the kit and the PfandStraße protocol. 

Meeting point is ZK/U Berlin at 17:30, from where the PfandStraße derive (exploring walk) in Moabit starts. While walking through the streets, the participants learn about the artistic research, the life of bottle pickers and become part of urban care takers. 

The derive will be followed by an open discussion (around 19:30) about the personal experiences and urban conditions with an aperitive at ZK/U Berlin.

PfandStraße is an artistic research by Nico Angiuli as part of the Take Care project, initated by ZK/U Berlin, curated and executed by Lena Wegmann. 

This event takes place within the project Take Care. Funded by STIFTUNG KUNSTFONDS from the program of the Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) NEUSTART KULTUR.