ZK/FU – Center for Art, Feministics and Urbanistics

Exhibition and composed events
Opening times:
Monday-Thursday, 4-7pm
Friday-Sunday, 1-8pm
Admission free
ZK/FU revolves around the exhibition “Parts of ...” by Folke Köbberling. The expert in manufacturing progressive types of encounters and developing new cycles of reutilization will configure a room from leftover elements of former works, augmenting these with new components. The materials used provide insight into the cosmos of projects created by the artist team Köbberling Kaltwasser.
As a family, Folke Köbberling and Martin Kaltwasser regularly included their children in setting up their works. Drawings, films and photographs provide evidence of this and are incorporated into Folke Köbberling’s installation. As part of the work, sixteenyearold JanGregor Köbberling reconstructs a house he built in 2012 in Bochum parallel to the work of his parents who were invited to participate in the Ruhrtriennale (and which he had to dismantle prior to the opening). As uncensored space, children and young people are welcome to use it as they see fit. In addition, fourteenyearold Clara Köbberling presents her own dream house models and drawnon exhibition setup photos in which she is depicted. She and her mother Folke Köbberling collaborate by knotting together socalled store curtains into construction nets, which are then incorporated into the installation as a visual and protective sheath.
“Parts of...” thematizes the interplay in Folke Köbberling’s work between de facto public, i.e. political elements and the ostensibly private, nonpublic components generated through her many years of art making: the outcome is a perfect example of “feministics”. Conceptually speaking, Folke Köbberling links “Parts of..”. to early projects such as “Concrete Cuisine Studio for Metropolitan Cooking” (Berlin, 1999), in which she invited other artists to use a temporary kitchen that she had built as a platform for making urbanism critical statements and dishes. With this in mind, “Parts of…” also serves as a forum for invited and spontaneous guests to engage in feministics.
What is feministics? We operate within a polygon that expresses our own interests and views and which is informed by contemporary turbocapitalist problem zones such as time, labor (working in the art system; wage labor; lifesustaining and lifedeveloping work; parttime work), consumption, community, and family… We throw assertions, attitudes, prejudices, and dependencies into the mix and accentuate these with music. Feministics is a large, affirmative, contradictory, (self) critical game at the far end of society that impacts everyone: we are all stakeholders.
For the ZK/U location, which is run by a male collective, the ZK/FU project is component close its fundamental interests. Questions concerning art and urbanism are systematically expanded, tested and applied the new term feministics.
The program at ZK/FU will feature evenings with artistcooks Schorsch Böhme (Vienna) and Bernhard Thome (Berlin), a workshop by Kathrin Böhm (London), a “Congress of Halfknowledge” on the theme of feministics by Superschool (Berlin), a film program curated by Madeleine Bernstorff, and a FuFluxusDay with music and raffle, designed together with Kinay Olcaytu and Daniela Hirsch.
An open call solicits videos on the theme of feministics to be screened during the exhibition. A ZK/FU reader library will feature women’s magazines and lots of good books. Events at ZK/FU will be accompanied by experiments in the kitchen located in the common space.
ZK/FU is organized by Simone Häckel, Susanne Schröder and KUNSTrePUBLIK
Simone Häckel, Susanne Schröder