
Talks on Curatorial Practice

OnCurating Curatorial Intensive (c) Jan-Gottfried Esser, 2024

OnCurating Academy Berlin

New location! Check each event for info.

The series Talks on Curatorial Practice is held as part of OnCurating Academy Berlin and open to everyone. The OnCurating Academy Berlin provides postgraduate and continuing education in an environment for critical curatorial thinking and new perspectives and formats of curatorial practices. The programme offers an opportunity to deepen and share knowledge and to grow together into a lively community of aspiring curators, artists and art administrators. It focuses on cooperative, interdisciplinary working methods, as employed, for example, in film productions or non-government organisations. Exhibition-making/curating means the creation of innovative structures for the presentation of cultural artefacts through interdisciplinary collaboration. In this field, art, digital media, design and architecture inter­mesh in new ways.

In terms of content, our topics and projects are closely related to the knowledge that is discussed on the OnCurating platform: the ever-evolving topics revolve around collective forms of curating, based on situated knowledges, on decolonising art institutions and on digital media and curating diversity, queer curating and curating through a feminist perspective, as well as urban and environmental developments reflected by curatorial practice and theory.  Therefore, the programme has been developed in the context of cultural analysis, theories of power, theories of communities based on feminist, queer, postcolonial, ecological, post-Marxist and other political and emancipatory positions.

All talks held in English.

All times CET/CEST.

Free admission, no registration required.

Ivor Stodolsky and Marita Muukkonen (Perpetuum Mobile): Frontline Curating

Talks on Curatorial Practice

Ivor Stodolsky and Marita Muukkonen (Perpetuum Mobile): Frontline Curating

Dr. Hadas Kedar (Curator): The Curatorial and the Desert

Talks on Curatorial Practice

Dr. Hadas Kedar (Curator): The Curatorial and the Desert

Kathrin Becker, KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art

Talks on Curatorial Practice

Kathrin Becker, KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art

Prof. Dr. Dorothee Richter (OnCurating.org): Into the Rhythm: From Score to Contact Zone

Talks on Curatorial Practice

Prof. Dr. Dorothee Richter (OnCurating.org): Into the Rhythm: From Score to Contact Zone

Sakrowski (panke.gallery): Exhibiting and Contextualizing Net Art

Talks on Curatorial Practice

Sakrowski (panke.gallery): Exhibiting and Contextualizing Net Art

Inka Gressel and Susanne Weiß (ifa-gallery): Testing what is possible – revisioning a collection

Talks on Curatorial Practice

Inka Gressel and Susanne Weiß (ifa-gallery): Testing what is possible – revisioning a collection

Sergio Edelsztein (Curator): The Schrödinger Artist - Art in the Age of Rage

Talks on Curatorial Practice: OnCurating Academy Berlin & Universität der Künste

Sergio Edelsztein (Curator): The Schrödinger Artist - Art in the Age of Rage


Talks on Curatorial Practice


Alona Rodeh (Artist): Finding Agency: Practices in Public Space

Talks on Curatorial Practice @ Radialsystem

Alona Rodeh (Artist): Finding Agency: Practices in Public Space

Stephan Trüby: Right-Wing Spaces, Left-Wing Spaces, Antisemitic Spaces & Leon Kahane: Vom Ich zum Wir

Talks on Curatorial Practice @ Universitätsbibliothek UdK Berlin

Stephan Trüby: Right-Wing Spaces, Left-Wing Spaces, Antisemitic Spaces & Leon Kahane: Vom Ich zum Wir

Annette Maechtel (nGbK): Curating Infrastructures

Talks on Curatorial Practice @ Radialsystem

Annette Maechtel (nGbK): Curating Infrastructures