


Traveling Architecture Studio

Traveling Architecture Studio

Speisekino Moabit 2015 #2

Thoughts on food, food for thought

Speisekino Moabit 2015 #2

Speisekino Moabit 2015 #1

Abbruch – Aufbruch

Speisekino Moabit 2015 #1

Netting The Work

Deptocratic Identities, Performative Networkings.
In the context of the Month of Performance Art - Berlin

Netting The Work

Gütermarkt #4

Handicraft meets “Innovation"

Gütermarkt #4

OPENHAUS 23/04/2015

Open Studios, Screenings and Presentations

OPENHAUS 23/04/2015

Ojo al Sancocho

Short films screening

Ojo al Sancocho

OPENHAUS 26/03/2015

Open Studios, Screenings and Presentations

OPENHAUS 26/03/2015

DEVOUR! AT ZKU. Social Cannibalism, political redefinition and architecture

Discussions & Filmpresentations 25th March 6.30pm, Mini-exhibition open on 26th. and 27th March 2015

DEVOUR! AT ZKU. Social Cannibalism, political redefinition and architecture

The Hannah Arendt Working Group

Weekly continuous reading of "The Public & Private" from The Human Condition

The Hannah Arendt Working Group

ZKOTTY – ZK/U at Scotty Enterprises Part II

Collaboration with a Berlin project space, until March 14, 2015

ZKOTTY – ZK/U at Scotty Enterprises Part II

OPENHAUS 19/02/2015

Open Studios, Screenings and Presentations

OPENHAUS 19/02/2015

Luca Forcucci and Guest


Luca Forcucci and Guest

Sporty Jesus "Ghost Driver" (+ The Pool)

Record Release Concert and Party

Sporty Jesus "Ghost Driver" (+ The Pool)

ZKOTTY - ZK/U at Scotty Enterprises


ZKOTTY - ZK/U at Scotty Enterprises

OPENHAUS 22/01/2015

Open Studios, Screenings and Presentations.

OPENHAUS 22/01/2015

Transmediale and CTM Vorspiel 2015

Opening Event

Transmediale and CTM Vorspiel 2015

Gütermarkt #3b

Bazar bizarre: Fleamarket! Craftsmarket! DIY Market! Christmas Countdown!

Gütermarkt #3b

Gütermarkt #3a

Fleamarket! Craftsmarket! DIY Market! Christmas Extravaganza!

Gütermarkt #3a

OPENHAUS 27/11/2014

Open Studios, screenings and presentations

OPENHAUS 27/11/2014

Moabit liest! 7. lange Nacht des Buches in Moabit

Die Autorin Stefanie-Lahya Aukongo liest aus ihrem Buch „Kalungas Kind“ - Eine große Geschichte über Liebe, Mut und Tapferkeit

Moabit liest! 7. lange Nacht des Buches in Moabit

Utopias Gone Awry: Photographing Architecture In Decay

Presentation & Talk

Utopias Gone Awry: Photographing Architecture In Decay

OPENHAUS 23/10/2014

Open studios, Screenings and Performances

OPENHAUS 23/10/2014

Please turn now. Or else: It's straight into the wall!

Haben und Brauchen (To Have and To Need) would like to invite you.

Please turn now. Or else: It's straight into the wall!

Archipel in√est - Das Buch


Archipel in√est - Das Buch

Berlin Unlimited

Urban Arts Festival

Berlin Unlimited

Gütermarkt #2

Flohmarkt! Fachmarkt! DIY-Markt!

Gütermarkt #2

OPENHAUS 25/09/2014

Open Studios, Installations, and Presentations

OPENHAUS 25/09/2014

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #16

Blockbuster Video: transmediale in-between

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #16

Bsynthome + Shackleton / Jon Schmidt / Neil Flynn

Performance by Transforma & Yro + Aftershow

Bsynthome + Shackleton / Jon Schmidt / Neil Flynn


Music on the terrace


Speisekino Moabit 2014 #15


Speisekino Moabit 2014 #15


Performance Premiere by Transforma & Yro


Plan Bienen Mint: Unofficial Opening

ZK/U Studio 9, 14h - 16h

Plan Bienen Mint: Unofficial Opening

Gütermarkt #1

Flohmarkt! Fachmarkt! DIY-Markt!

Gütermarkt #1

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #14

Home, sweet home, it comes alone?

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #14

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #13

Fortunately there's something to eat!

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #13

„Transition Towns and Urban Change”

Film screening and discussion

„Transition Towns and Urban Change”

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #12


Speisekino Moabit 2014 #12

The Headless City – An Event

Rowing a boat, reading, having a swim, looking at some buildings, [...]

The Headless City – An Event

OPENHAUS 21/08/2014

Open Studios, workshops and presentations

OPENHAUS 21/08/2014

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #11

Das Traumhaus (The Dream House)

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #11

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #10


Speisekino Moabit 2014 #10

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #9

Showdown Moabit #2 - Focus on Moabit

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #9

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #8

Collège Du Film and chez merl présentent: Une soirée déja-vu à la minute. Chapeau!

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #8

OPENHAUS 24-27/07/2014

Open studios, performances and installations

OPENHAUS 24-27/07/2014

Musique Maudite

One Day Festival at ZK/U

Musique Maudite

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #7


Speisekino Moabit 2014 #7

Protest. Culture. Politics. 2014

Urban activism against authoritarian structures in the societies of Eastern Europe

Protest. Culture. Politics. 2014

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #6

Protest. Culture. Politics.

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #6
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