Speisekino Moabit 2015 #5

Moabit - Home of Rap
Doors open at 7 pm
Free entrance
Menu: 7€
Food served at approx. 7.30 pm (until there is no food left)
Film by dusk (approx. 9.30 pm)
On the ZK/U Terrace
An evening curated by Marius Wittmann.
What connects RAMO to the Railway Depot of Moabit is obvious, 'cause it's written: „Moabit Home of Rap“. The 5th Speisekino Moabit in 2015 takes the local HipHop-Scene and -Artists to stage and as an occaision to search for it's roots in New York City of the early 1980ies. The main movie will be a great-grandfather of all HipHop and Rap movies, one the most significant movies to spread the HipHop movement all over the western world, as well as in the former GDR. „And everybody sings RAMO! RAMO!“
5pm Open Mic on the terrace of ZK/U
7:30pm Food: Chilli sin/con Carne & Brownies (7€)
9:30pm cinematic interlude with Videos from Greeny Tortellini, Marvin Game, Doa21 (Moabit Is Beste), Junior Jero, Megaloh, Fonz
10:15pm Hip Hop movie