
Speisekino Moabit 2014 #10


A selection of bee-movies and meals, spiced up with pepper, salt and pollen by the Moabees Team and cook Ute Ludwig.


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The Honey-Kino is divided in three main courses:

First couse: Book presentation of "Wildkräuter und Honig" (Wild herbs and Honey), childrens group of the Schulgarten Moabit

Second course: Killer Bee Movie for children

Third course: Killer Bee Movie for adults

This will be accompanied by honey, water and wine.

Entrance: Free
Food: from 7:30pm, 5€
Movies: 6pm (for children) and 9pm (for adults) 
Language: German
Place: on the terrace of ZK/U

This project is funded by: