"The Wreckheads" + "Sticky Girls and Stupid Tables" + SCULET playing for Fete de la Musique
Podium Discussion - Focus Brazil
Die Alternative zur Fanmeile: Fußball-Fantasten und Nachbarn treffen sich im Stadtgarten Moabit
International Conference
Open Studios, Screenings, Installations and Performances
Tomomi Adachi, Trio Brachiale and Tobias Purfürst
Ideas-Crowdsourcing and Open Innovation Processes for climate-friendly urban development
In the context of the film program "Kino für Moabit"
Belgian band We Stood Like Kings accompanies live the Movie "Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis"
Video artist Prof. Maria Vedder bids farewell to Berlin University of the Arts with an exhibition
Akademie c/o organises a discussion about the influence of Quartiermanagement on complex urban stuctures.
With David Clark, Alexandra Handal, Fabiano Marques
With David Clark, Beth Dynowski, Noel Qualter, Kristin Tårnes, Teng Chao-Ming and Nancy Woods
Workshop initiiert von der Kampagne "Meine Landwirtshaft" und INKOTA
Live Music, programed by amSTARt and Bad Kleinen