


Speisekino Moabit 2014 #5

Foodball - Quarter go! Score once more!

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #5

Transnationale Uniformen

in the context of Fußballaballa

Transnationale Uniformen

Heizraum Concert Series 9

Live Experimental + DJ

Heizraum Concert Series 9

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #4

Ey Story!

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #4

Chor der Kulturen der Welt

Der Chor des HKW tritt im ZK/U auf

Chor der Kulturen der Welt

Fête de la Nuit

"The Wreckheads" + "Sticky Girls and Stupid Tables" + SCULET playing for Fete de la Musique

Fête de la Nuit


Minimal rock n' roll at ZK/U


Speisekino Moabit 2014 #3

Foodball – The ball is round ! Score once more!

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #3

OPENHAUS 19/06/2014

Open Studios, performances and installations

OPENHAUS 19/06/2014

Sport-Mega-Events and Urban Development

Podium Discussion - Focus Brazil

Sport-Mega-Events and Urban Development

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #2

Foodball - Cook-by-ensigns

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #2


Die Alternative zur Fanmeile: Fußball-Fantasten und Nachbarn treffen sich im Stadtgarten Moabit


Speisekino Moabit 2014 #1

Food Diaspora

Speisekino Moabit 2014 #1

Innovative Heritage: Conversations between Arts and Heritage

International Conference

Innovative Heritage: Conversations between Arts and Heritage


Group Show


OPENHAUS 23-27/05/2014

Open Studios, Screenings, Installations and Performances

OPENHAUS 23-27/05/2014

The State of the Egyptian Media

Panel talk by 14km e.V.

The State of the Egyptian Media

[3DMIN] Experimental Music Concert

Tomomi Adachi, Trio Brachiale and Tobias Purfürst

[3DMIN] Experimental Music Concert


Stage Reading


Klima Kieze III

Ideas-Crowdsourcing and Open Innovation Processes for climate-friendly urban development

Klima Kieze III

Alexander Granach - Da geht ein Mensch

In the context of the film program "Kino für Moabit"

Alexander Granach - Da geht ein Mensch


Performances and Site-specific Interventions


OPENHAUS 24/04/2014

Open Studios and Presentations

OPENHAUS 24/04/2014

OPENHAUS 27/03/2014

Open studios, screenings and performances

OPENHAUS 27/03/2014

Heizraum Concert Series 8

Live Experimental + DJ

Heizraum Concert Series 8


Belgian band We Stood Like Kings accompanies live the Movie "Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis"


Dear Green

<a href="http://www.deargreen.net/">www.deargreen.net</a>

Dear Green

It's All Over?

Cases of Art and Urbanism from Post-Soviet Countries

It's All Over?

OPENHAUS 20/02/2014

Open studios, screenings and performances

OPENHAUS 20/02/2014

OPENHAUS 23/01/2014

Open studios, screenings and performances

OPENHAUS 23/01/2014

What's The Time ?

Video artist Prof. Maria Vedder bids farewell to Berlin University of the Arts with an exhibition

What's The Time ?

OPENHAUS 19/12/2013

Open Studios, screenings and installations

OPENHAUS 19/12/2013

What is Quartiersmanagement?

Akademie c/o organises a discussion about the influence of Quartiermanagement on complex urban stuctures.

What is Quartiersmanagement?

Screenings from the Residency

With David Clark, Alexandra Handal, Fabiano Marques

Screenings from the Residency

Fell + Cost/Alter

Live music

Fell + Cost/Alter

OPENHAUS 28/11/2013

Open studios, Exhibitions and Screenings

OPENHAUS 28/11/2013

Screenings from the Residency

With David Clark, Beth Dynowski, Noel Qualter, Kristin Tårnes, Teng Chao-Ming and Nancy Woods

Screenings from the Residency

Politischer Suppentopf

Workshop initiiert von der Kampagne "Meine Landwirtshaft" und INKOTA

Politischer Suppentopf

Lange Nacht des Buches

6th Lange Nacht des Buches in Moabit

Lange Nacht des Buches

Mo'beat Festival 2013

Live Music in Moabit - After show Party

Mo'beat Festival 2013


Live Music, programed by amSTARt


OPENHAUS 24/10/2013

Open studios, Exhibitions and Readings

OPENHAUS 24/10/2013

Yalla Yalla Festiwalla


Yalla Yalla Festiwalla


Film screening


Heizraum Concert Series 7

Live Experimental Music + DJ

Heizraum Concert Series 7

Screening from the residency

Screening and discussion

Screening from the residency

The Sacred Travelers

Live Music, programed by amSTARt

The Sacred Travelers

Anguish Language

Workshop/Symposium. Open to guests on Friday 4th, 11:00-23:00

Anguish Language

Archipel in√est

Open doors in Gelsenkirchen

Archipel in√est

Fat White Family + Isolation Berlin + Jonas Poppe

Live Music, programed by amSTARt and Bad Kleinen

Fat White Family + Isolation Berlin + Jonas Poppe
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