Psychosociotronics - presented by transmediale in cooperation with Oliver Lerone Schultz
Festival 2015
Ich Chef, du Turnschuh
Exhibition, Open Studios and Performance
Komm nach Deutschland, Pepe
ORIENT HEAT curated by Franziska Pierwoss & Siska
Collège du Film & Mathieu et Merl présentent: La fête infernale à point formidable!
Holidays Market
Screening der Open-Call Videos, Werkstatt der Wünsche
Zentrum für Kunst, Feministik und Urbanistik im ZK/U II
Open studios, Artist talks and Performance
Ferienkurs für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene von 16-26 Jahren, 20.07-24.07.2015/ 11.00-16.00 Uhr
Klipzona – Urban Explorations in Central and Eastern Europe with Music Video
Gender equality under construction
Exhibition and composed events
ZK/FU Center for Art, Feministics and Urbanistics, Opening Night
PechaKucha Style
Group Show
Metrozones Akademie
Communication Market
Soapifizierung der Fremde
Kallasch& and ZK/U
Spacenight - Raketenbumms
Open studios, Screenings and Presentations
Seeking a meaningful resolution for the Marx-Engels Forum
Clash Over Trash
Czech Nebel
Moabit - Home of Rap
Common Spaces ABC
Dialogue on storytelling and the reality of spaces
Frühlingshaftes Licht
Is it sugar or salt? Let me know.
Thoughts on food, food for thought
Abbruch – Aufbruch
Deptocratic Identities, Performative Networkings.
In the context of the Month of Performance Art - Berlin
Handicraft meets “Innovation"
Open Studios, Screenings and Presentations
Short films screening
Open Studios, Screenings and Presentations
Discussions & Filmpresentations 25th March 6.30pm, Mini-exhibition open on 26th. and 27th March 2015
Weekly continuous reading of "The Public & Private" from The Human Condition