OPENHAUS 24/03/2016

Open Studios, Installations, Performances and Artist Talks
The OPENHAUS is a regular public format that takes place every month in ZK/U, inviting audiences to connect with the hosted projects and to explore the process of its residency programme.
This March we will welcome spring with an OPENHAUS that accentuates the variety of disciplines and the complexity of their interactions at ZK/U. From visual and sound pieces that deal with reflections of the sun, to artworks that speak to the immigrant crises both past and present, performative installations and electronic activism workshops.
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the artists in residency and explore ZK/U’s space and surroundings, to ask questions, to discuss and to exchange ideas about ongoing projects and artistic practices.
24th of March 2016 from 7pm until 11pm
ZK/U - Center for Art and Urbanistics, Siemensstraße 27, 10551 Berlin
Entrance: Free
Participating artists: Gabriel Kanulf, Gemini Kim, Nomadic Art, Thomas A. O'Grady, Jennifer Rainsford, Hae-Geun Seo, Viktor Vejvoda
Das OPENHAUS ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes, öffentliches Format des ZK/U. Unser Residency Programm bietet internationalen KünstlerInnen, StadtforscherInnenn, AktivistInnen und anderen ExpertInnen die Möglichkeit für mehrere Monate an Projekten in den Atelierwohnungen des ZK/U zu arbeiten. Am Ende des Monats bieten diese KünstlerInnen beim OPENHAUS Einblicke in ihre Arbeit und laden das Berliner Publikum dazu ein mit ihnen über ihre Projekte und Prozesse zu diskutieren.
Diesen März werden wir den Frühling mit einem OPENHAUS begrüßen, das die Fülle der Disziplinen und die Komplexität ihrer Interaktionen im ZK/U betont. Von visuellen Arbeiten, die sich um die Reflektionen der Sonne drehen, zu Kunst die von Migration erzählt, hin zu Installationen und einem Workshop in elektronischem Aktivismus.
Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit die KünstlerInnen der Residenz kennenzulernen und das ZK/U-Gebäude zu erkunden, Fragen zu stellen, zu diskutieren und Ideen zu laufenden Projekten und Kunstpraxis auszutauschen.
25. Februar 2016 von 19:00 bis 22:30 Uhr
ZK/U - Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, Siemensstraße 27, 10551 Berlin
Eintritt: Frei
TeilnehmerInnen der ZK/U Residenz: Gabriel Kanulf, Gemini Kim, Nomadic Art, Thomas A. O'Grady, Jennifer Rainsford, Hae-Geun Seo, Viktor Vejvoda

Gabriel Kanulf
Projection Two: Reflection(s) of the Sun
Gabriel is reading a story projected onto the city as reflections of the sun. His aim is to construct a hypergraphic writing system based upon this and retell this story through words and imagery. This is part of an ongoing research on visual symbols —and their potential to create spatialities— in public space. He places this research in the intersection of visual communication, art and urban research.

Gemini Kim
Whirling In The Deep
"Who makes the movement? A little kid shows some movement on a grass field, wind blows and a few images followed her. He saw a fierce and quiet wind coming after her. He tried to understand what was happening in this city, but Berlin was too big and mysterious for him. I guess he was too scared to understand all that so he just waited for the night."

Seo Hae-Geun
Let's meet through art
For the construction of his paper installations the artist tries to put more focus on the social/interpersonal communication. His intention is to connect people to each other through paper - through joining the paper together and making a shape of a fighter jets, he tries to say “we are with each other”
For this Openhaus the artist calls you as visitor up to give donations of paper. He then will join the pieces of paper together to make a large sheet of paper.
With this material he will make posteriorly a large-scale installation of a fighter jet, using his particular way of working. All this process is going to be video recorded.

Jennifer Rainsford
Forest Higher than Wave
Jennifer Rainsford will show work in progress images, from two photo projects she is working on during this spring: Cataclysmic change and Miraculous endings.

Nomadic Art
Refugees are often isolated from locals, partly because of their legal situation, which limits them to take action in the public space. NomadicArt will open the public space and create a platform at ZK/U, with workshops and events co-created by migrants and experts, to provide a safe space for exchange. Besides this we are including and connecting people, migrants, refugees, activists, researchers, volunteers and other actors in the close neighborhood. They are able to meet at ZK/U and talk about the European challenge of immigration, and how to face it.

Thomas A. O'Grady
For the OpenHaus at ZK/U Thomas will continue working on an art work that speaks to the immigrant crises both past and present entitled, Blighter. Blighter is a deeply personal work, a way for him to process his personal history. However, it is his hope that by peering through the prism of his family's history that the work might provide a broad contextual view of the plight of the Irish people, British colonialism, and by extension the physical and psychological suffering endured by countless others as a result of colonial policies the world over. The artist's Irish descendants were affected by mass starvation and forced migration from their homeland over 160 years ago. We see the same tactics of colonial terror being used by Empire today across the Middle East and Africa.