Klima Kieze III

Ideas-Crowdsourcing and Open Innovation Processes for climate-friendly urban development
Curator and moderator: Dipl.-Ing. Nadine Kuhla von Bergmann, creative climate cities.org
Guests: Dr. Norbert Kunz - Social Impact Lab Berlin; Prof. Dr. habil. Katharina Hölzle, Department for Innovation Management und Entrepreneurship, University Potsdam; Dr. habil. Fritz Reusswig, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Entrance: Free
Registration: [email protected]
Berlin is aiming to transform itself into a climate-neutral city by 2050. To achieve this, radical paradigm shifts are needed throughout all spheres of life. To generate a low carbon society, it is necessary to strive for an energy supply from regenerative sources but it is equally important to focus on mobility and consumer patterns and trends.
Limited resources and societal crises are drivers for social innovations and alternative business models. Urban communities formed by the need to share products and services which allow for flexible lifestyles are on the rise. Apps and websites encouraging participatory processes are triggering open innovation processes. Through the use of ICT, problems can be solved by countless creative people instead of one stakeholder or organisation.
Limited municipal budgets and wealth of creative people would be an ideal breeding ground for such a process driven strategy in Berlin. Why hasn’t this form of idea’s crowdsourcing not yet been applied onto Berlin’s integrated climate change action strategy?
„Klima Kieze“ are districts characterised by civil initiatives and neighbourhood efforts targeting climate-friendly urban development. This year, “Klima Kieze” will focus on the processes needed to engage civil change agents by asking the following questions: How can climate-neutrality be achieved through the integration of civil initiatives and social innovations? How can Berlin make use of its creative resources to accelerate the low carbon roadmap? How can idea’s crowdsourcing be integrated in formal planning processes? Does spatial vicinity still have a role to play – besides the importance of being connected through internet communities – in changing lifestyles? What are the challenges and the opportunities for the “bottom-up smart city”? How and what type of social innovations could be transferred to energy and climate change action concepts on district and city level?
Klima Kieze event in 2014
The event is a continuation from the past “Klima Kieze” events, initiated and conceptualised by Nadine Kuhla von Bergmann with the support of the Bildungswerk der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Berlin. This year, a new format is launched to create a 2-hour “climate action hackathon” to actively engage guests and participants with the presentation of ideas, approaches, concepts and action plans.