Heizraum Concert Series 8

Live Experimental + DJ
>> Bands: Dscrd, Delmore fx, Exrotaprint
>> DJ: DJ Misantrop', DJ Sculet
From 8pm Belgian band We Stood Like Kings will perform their latest project "Berlin 1927" a live accompaniement of the movie "Berlin: Symphonie of a Metropolis"
Entrance: 5€
Combination-ticket Berlin 1927 + Heizraum#8: 8€
Tickets available at the entrance.
Heizraumopens its space for the 8th time in the modern cave like galleries of ZK/U, the Center for Art and Urbanistics in Moabit.
We'd like to invite you all to come and spend the evening with us in this amazing space and enjoy the evening program we set up. Besides you, we invited:
Delmore Fx, solo pursuer of clingclangs and other vibrations picked up, twisted around and animated to paint a music that has gathered primitivism and futurism in an intriguing panoply of tracks released in four online albums and more recently a K7 on Digital Death Records, and with new K7 in the making. With a penchant for the physical as much as for the ethereal, Delmore Fx's music sounds much like the mechanical workings of clocks that refer to times of other nature. His other name is Elia Buletti and he runs the Berlin based label Das Andere Selbst. Also involved in other projects such as Exteenager, Gateaux Blasters, and Marimba.
Exrotaprint will be a trio composed of percussionist Emilio Gordoa, electronics and percussion player Wolfgang Seidel, and guest bass clarinetist Owen Roberts. A project (or mental space) that has seemingly few traces of existence, bears the experience and efforts of three musicians/composers/improvisors/researchers hailing each from their own different universes and each with their own colorful myriad of current or past projects. Together, an assuredly vigorous move in the abstract wonders of musical communication and group dynamics. E. Gordoa is an active live musician and collaborator, along with W.Seidel who you might also know from Ton Stein Scherben, Wolf Sequenza + Conrad Schnitzler. O. Roberts has a degree in composition from the U. of Oxford and is an active improvisor.
Dscrd is a five element ensemble of sound designers and recorders, whose essence converges in techno and dissipates in ambient and experimentation. They're passionate sound crafters, carefully crafting driving percussion and the spaces that surround it into fulfilled compositions that massage the body and point at more unearthly bends of our perception of sound and matter. They have released music via Stroboscopic Artifacts and Dement3d records.
The interludes between concerts are of the responsibility of the Heizraum resident Dj Sculet.
From where do things start when music starts?
What is it that brings us to hear the sound of the constant waterfall or of it's dripping spring?
Heizraum is a composition where every performance is a sound unit, like colorful garments thrown to a stream.