Gütermarkt #1

Flohmarkt! Fachmarkt! DIY-Markt!
12pm - 7pm.
Our new market-format (starting from 07th of September) brings together artists from ZK/U, craftsmen from the hood and private flea-market sellers in symbiotic harmony. Alteration-taylor repairs your favourite trousers and gets advices from fashionable artist. Second-hand hair-dryer gets fixed by electro-specialist directly on site and used by mobile Hairdresser. Individual furniture, clothes and DIY products without ‘Mitte’-surcharge are our goal. When soon Moabit becomes hood of Hipster-Pensioners, No-Logo-Youth and DIY-Freaks, we will be satisfied.
Live Music directed by Kallash& (Moabiter Barprojekt)
Boule-Workshop by Bouledozer e.V.,
Bike Winter-check by FAHRbar
and much much more….
Further dates: 28.09 and Winter/Xmas market
Inscriptions > moabitermix(at)zku-berlin.org
Unterstützt von Actors of Urban Change, ein Programm der Robert Bosch Stiftung in Kooperation mit MitOst e.V.
Gefördert durch die Europäische Union, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, das Land Berlin im Rahmen des Programms "Zukunftsinitiative Stadtteil" (II), Teilprogramm "Soziale Stadt" (Programmjahr 2014)