ATTENTION, changed date! Due to organisational reasons, we have to postpone the event from 2 to 3 July!
Even though women have been playing football for a long time, they still receive significantly less recognition than their male colleagues. Barely anyone knows, when the first women’s match took place - and how the story of this sport have progressed ever since.
19.30 Doors open & Discursive programme
Visual timeline of the development of women’s football with historical videos: “In the fight for the ball, feminine grace disappears, body and soul inevitably suffer harm, and the display of the body damages propriety and decency,” claimed the German Football Federation when they banned women’s football in 1955. Although women already played football in the Han Dynasty (Chinese Empire, 206 BC - 220 AD)... FIFA’s first women’s match only took place in 1991. What happened in the meantime, and what is the current state of things?
Interactive “Discourse Table” in response to the first ever UEFA women’s strategy “Time for Action”, published in May 2019 (!).
Quiz: What do you really know about football?
20.00 Presentations: Gesellschaftsspiele e. V. and "Kampagne Berliner Sport – Rund um Fair"
Two initiatives that aim at making football a fairer sport – whether on the field, in the stands or in the production of sports goods.
20.20 Documentary
"Football – My Other Life" by Discover Football in cooperation with Deutsche Welle.
21.00 Half Final 1
21.45 Break
22.00 Half Final 2
This event series is sponsored by the Berlin Senate administration for Health, Care and Equality as well as Engagement Global GmbH in the context of the Service Agency Communities in One World programme funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the district office of Berlin-Mitte.