FOOD AND FOOTAGE // The Gleaners and I

ZK/U BerlinSiemensstr. 27, 10551, Berlin, Germany
25-26 September
FOOD AND FOOTAGE // The Gleaners and I
Title: The Gleaners and I (1999/2000, 83 Min.)
Director: Agnès Varda
Language: French with German Subtitles
Menu: Scavengers Food
A 2 DAY EVENT about human and non-human gleaners by ZK/U Artist in Residence Semâ Bekirovic.
Wednesday, September 25
Wild food gathering with Johannes Ruggaard North of Berlin. If you are interested to collect seasonal roots, berries and other eatable plants, come and join us. The first 20 to sign up via speisekino(at) will be able to participate.
Thursday, September 26
On day 2, we will prepare a meal from the food gathered on the day before and additional contributions from Food Sharing. Next to that, we would like you to bring your left-overs from the fridge, and other food you want to share. With these ingredients, we want to prepare a free dinner in the evening.
While we eat, Sema Bekirovic will show her movie The Others. After dinner, the screening of Agnes Varda’s movie The Gleaners and I will start.
This time, entry to the film as well as the meal will be for free. Food can be brought to ZK/U from 10 a.m. onwards. Dinner will be served at 7.30 p.m. and the screening of The Gleaners and I will start at 8.30 p.m.
Gefördert im Rahmen des Projekts „Moabit klimafit“ (Moabiter Einrichtungen machen sich fit für Umweltthemen) durch die Europäische Union, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, das Land Berlin im Rahmen des Programms "Zukunftsinitiative Stadtteil (II), Teilprogramm "Soziale Stadt."