
Fat White Family + Isolation Berlin + Jonas Poppe

Live Music, programed by amSTARt and Bad Kleinen

Fat White Family

One night before the German election will take place amSTARt and Bad Kleinen's Ole Verstand bring you the FAT WHITE FAMILY from London presenting their first longplayer "Champagne Holocaust" (fatwhitefamily.bandcamp.com). With their swirling psychedelic 60's sounds (think of sick Butthole Surfers, Cramps, Nick Cave) and mysanthropic lyrics Ween could have been wetting their pants for in their early days they will leave you as clueless about political parties as you might have been before but way more convinced. Plus support and DJs from Berlin's legendary Bad Kleinen."

Label: Trashmouth Records
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FatWhiteFamily
Bandcamp: http://fatwhitefamily.bandcamp.com
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/fat-whites
Tumblr: http://fatwhitefamily.tumblr.com/
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r95X2tXd8b0
Video: http://noisey.vice.com/en_uk/blog/fat-white-family-special-ape-official-video

Isolation Berlin

Berliner Punkrock mit deutschen Texten

DJ: Jonas Poppe (Oum Shatt)



Sonnenburger Strasse 54, 10437 Berlin