ART as/is SOCIAL Session #2

The paradoxes of political art
'ART as/is SOCIAL: On engagement in contemporary cultural theory & practice' is a new discursive format with close readings, discussions and case studies around the topic of socially engaged artistic practices.
SESSION #2: 'The paradoxes of political art' will concern itself with the relation between aesthetics and politics, and the philosophical contradictions that socially engaged artistic practices convey, through selected readings from political philosopher Jacques Rancière.
To sign up for this session and receive the reading materials, please send an e-mail to lm(at)
Visit or for more information.
SESSION #2: The paradoxes of political art
Text: Jacques Rancière, Dissensus (2010)
Wednesday 24th of May 19.00
ART as/is SOCIAL is a follow-up project to the discussion series THE NEW ART ACTIVISM that was hosted in October & November 2016 by ZK/U fellow Claudine Zia.
This project is supported by Radboud Honours Academy Nijmegen (NL).
Lianne Mol
[email protected]
ZK/U - Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik
Siemensstrasse 27
10551 Berlin