Werkschau ZK/U – Commons Cosmodrome

ZK/U introducing itself, its projects and partners in, on and beyond the (new) house
12 Sep 2024, 7 – 11 pm, 13 – 15 Sep 2024, 3 – 8 pm
ZK/U BerlinSiemensstr. 27, 10551, Berlin, Germany
The Commons Cosmodrome exhibition reflects on the activities undertaken during the extension of the ZK/U premises. It bridges past and future discourses, critically examining relevant social topics while introducing new infrastructures. This exhibition highlights the spatial and programmatic potentials of newly established spaces as well as ongoing residency spaces, showcasing formats for coming together and making visible the diverse range of actors involved.
A look into the past, present and future.
Participating Artists and Projects
Beeholder – Beecoin – BeeDAO, seit 2020 am ZK/U
Beeholder – Beecoin – BeeDAO is a project of ZK/U and the artist collective KUNSTrePUBLIK (Matthias Einhoff, Philip Horst, Harry Sachs)
Lars Neckel (Design)
Clemens Gruber (Scientific collaborator)
Erik Bordeleau (Theory and design collaborator)
Lars Hayer (Web development)
Since 2019, BeeDAO has been investigating the possibilities of political participation by human and non-human actors. With the help of web3 technologies and sensor data, dialogues, economies and decision-making processes between bees and humans are made possible at the Haus der Statistik (2019), as part of documenta fifteen (2022), at the Zeppelin Museum (2023) and permanently at the ZK/U.
ZEDucation, since 2017 at ZK/U
Matthias Einhoff (1972, Germany, Artistic direction)
Miodrag Kuč (1977, Germany/Serbia, Pedagogical direction)
To this day, access to education remains influenced by social and economic status. Bridging stigmas, social mobility and achieving equal opportunities are important goals that actively need to be worked for – which, however, are often not achieved in the conventional education system. ZK/U wants a new approach to knowledge exchange, empowerment of communities and improved accessibility of artistic and research results.
The artistic work Baum und Platte demonstrates the approach. It shows how applied urban pedagogy can be triggered with low-threshold games by including non-human actors in urban development discourses not only theoretically but also practically.
Rethinking Local Councils, since 2020 from ZK/U in Rijeka (Croatia), Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) und Skopje (Macedonia)
Matthias Einhoff (1972, Germany, Artistic direction)
Miodrag Kuč (1977, Germany/Serbia, Project lead)
During the construction at ZK/U, the program continued in various forms outside of the home-base in Moabit. During this ‘road-trip’, a lot was learned about universal struggles for new types of education and political emancipation. The projects played with unwanted heritage, contested public spaces and built alternative infrastructures. It was carried out in a sort of productive residency, hosted by communities that shared the same vision about just-city, independent cultural production and ecological transition.
Videos show the work of ZK/U in the context of civic turmoils in south-east Europe, where grass-roots organisations received support in an attempt to rebuild local communal politics. Those projects were developed in the particular contexts of post-industrial ruins, neighborhood conflicts and difficult heritage. By reprogramming neglected spaces together with local actors, a base for systemic change based on shifts in political education was built.
The local organisations carried on and further developed the uncertain spaces and reclaimed local councils as a base for democracy.
Auf den Platz, fertig, los!, 2022–2023 from the ZK/U in Eisenhüttenstadt
Miodrag Kuč (1977, Serbia/Germany, Stage design and production Bühne der Baukultur)
Martin Maleschka (1982, Germany, Artistic direction, Auf den Platz, fertig, los!)
Andreas Tiedemann (Germany, Light- and sound design, Bühne der Baukultur)
Anita Rind (1990, Germany, Narration Bühne der Baukultur)
The Platz der Jugend was the lively hub of life in residential complex V in Eisenhüttenstadt. Over time, life on the square changed. People looked for other places to live and it gradually emptied out. The Platz der Jugend changed its face – orphaned, but not forgotten. Damaged, but not disfigured. Buried, but not dead.
The project Auf den Platz, fertig, los! aimed to restore the square to its former glory and turn it into a place of encounters and moments. The Stage of Building Culture, an artistic project by ZK/U, visualized the splendour of the past spatially and addressed issues of monument protection and sustainability. Over the summer of 2023, the square was brought back to life with more than 50 events that united local institutions, artists and activists, and future plans for its use were drawn up.
Moabiter FUNKer, since 2021 at ZK/U
Bernhard Vohwinkel (1954, Germany) Callsign: DL7BV
Hermann Gerstenkorn (Germany) Callsign: DL7AY
The Moabiter FUNKers connect the ZK/U with the whole world. Radio amateurs focus on communication and making contact, beyond smartphones and social media without financial interests. In addition to knowledge of complex technology, manual dexterity and the motivation to build your own radio, one needs to enjoy communication and creativity. The amateur radio service serves (by legal definition) experimental and technical-scientific studies, personal further education, international understanding and can be used to support relief operations in emergencies and disasters.
Edutainment with the Moabiter FUNKers
Thursday–Sunday 12–15 Sep, 7–8 pm
Upper floor new building
ClimArt: Tree Parliament, since 2024 in progress at ZK/U
Jana Beckmann (1988, Germany, Conzept)
Marion Kleine-Onnebrink (1987, Germany, Conzept)
Janna Nikoleit (1987, Germany, Conzept)
Julia Nordholz (1988, Germany, Conzept)
Lasse Peters (1995, Germany, Soundinstallation and -performance)
Laura Zadra (1991, Italy, Soundinstallation and -performance)
and furtner members of LU’UM and WeField
The project team consists of the LU'UM collective, the nature conservation association WeField, the artist Julia Nordholz and the design studio flex. They interweave the fields of art, (landscape) architecture and spatial strategies. Together they develop projects with the aim of strengthening the relationship between people and the environment. Their work includes workshops, installations and performances - not only in the exhibition space, but above all in public, urban spaces, gardens, parks, agricultural areas and forests. With a multi-layered understanding of aesthetic and sustainable solutions, they create inspiring spaces that emphasize the importance of cohabitation and invite dialogue.
The work Tree Parliament is located on the roof of the ZK/U and creates a green meeting place for all friends of the ZK/U. The installation will be realised as part of ClimArt, a ZK/U project aimed at raising awareness and mobilizing to increase urban climate resilience through artistic interventions.
Soundperformance Parliament of Trees
by Julia Nordholz
Thursday, 12 Sep, 9–10 pm / Sunday, 15 Sep, 4–6.30 pm
ClimArt: Green Curtain, since 2024 in progress at ZK/U
Gloria Jurado (1990, Spain)
Paula Cano (1988, Spain)
Green Curtain – Warming Stripes 2050 is an interactive installation that reimagines the “Warming Stripes” graphic, shifting from historical data to future climate projections for Berlin from 2024 to 2050. The installation will be realised as part of ClimArt, a ZK/U project aimed at raising awareness and mobilizing to increase urban climate resilience through artistic interventions.
ClimArt x metaLAB, since 2024 at ZK/U
Kim Albrecht (1987, Germany)
Suzan Ela Hanow (2000, Germany)
Annette Jael Lehmann (Germany)
Giacomo Nanni (1994, Italy)
Till Rückwart (1994, Germany)
metaLAB (at) Berlin was founded in 2022 and is housed at the Institute for Theater Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. As a joint international research initiative with metaLAB (at) Harvard, it operates as a transdisciplinary platform for the exploration of new knowledge practices in the scientific, cultural and social domains with a focus on critical data science and experimental museology. metaLAB (at) Berlin’s approach and aim is to develop practice-based research projects in collaboration with both Berlin-based and European cultural institutions and research partners.
ClimArt x Kiezwald e.V., at ZK/U since 2022
Simone Grünwald
Hanna Potthast
The Kiezwald e. V. association plants mini forests in the city using the Miyawaki method. By involving local residents, other associations and educational institutions, planting becomes a community project. Environmental education and a citizen science project integrated after the planting, as well as opportunities to reflect on social and political facets, come together here. Kiezwald's plantings are thus educational projects that allow pupils and neighbors to experience their self-efficacy and inform and raise awareness about the function and effectiveness of untouched natural areas and ecosystems in the city. Kiezwald e.V. wants to support people in shaping their environment and thereby raise awareness of living responses to the climate crisis.
Workshop: TinyForest – Testing Monitoring
with Hanna Potthast
Friday 13 Sep, 3 pm
Workshop: TinyForest – Mulch-Making
with Kristina Schmygarjew
Saturday 14 Sep, 2 pm
Urbane Bühne, since 2021 at ZK/U
Miodrag Kuč (1977, Serbia/Germany, Stage design and production lead)
Jan Körbes (Architecture and construction)
The Urbane Bühne is being built on the roof terrace and will be visible from the park, the neighborhood and the passing Ringbahn. Made from containers and scaffolding and equipped with event technology, this changeable infrastructure will be the spatial center for co-produced formats, workshops and projects. As a BauSchilderung on the forecourt of the ZK/U, the Urbane Bühne has hosted concerts, screenings, workshops, bees and trees since 2021. Now it is moving to the roof, opening up the building to human and non-human actors, neighbors and collaborators from the ZK/U cosmos.
citizenship, part of ZK/U since the end of the 18th century–2021, in transformation since 2021
Felix Kremer, Ilja Borgböhmer, David Becker, Seb Birch (Boat construction), xyz open city: N55 and Till Wolfer (Modules for art and everyday life), Alexander Callsen and Ole Voss (Hydropedal drive), Roland Gaber (Fraunhofer Institute Kassel), Prof. Michael Herzog and students (FH Wildau), Prof. Florian Sprenger, Iven Sponholz (University of Rostock – Department of Naval Architecture), Kristina Miller (Artistic production), Estelle Pandao Lassus (Assistant curatorial team), Leo Busch, Isabel Magritz, Arda Yeldan (Assistants), Lea Schleiffenbaum (Community involvement), Elisa Georgi (Press and communication), Lars Neckel (Design), Lars Hayer (Web development), VOLL:MILCH: Birk Schindler (Documentation on Nota.Space), Aline Schwörer, Nelly Choné, Frank Jimin Hopp, Marie Salcedo Horn, Danijela Pivašević-Tenner, Art Ashram: Klara Adam, Sina Ahlers, Nelli David, Florian Dietrich, Georg Scherlin, Verena Seibt, Markus Zimmermann, Arved Schultze, ConstructLab: Alexander Römer, Co–Re – Contextual Research: Pablo Santacana Lopez, Svenja Simone Schulte, Viviane Tabach, Jan Barner, Min Kyung Kim, Daniela Medina-Poch, FrEderick Becker, Redwane Jabal, Daniel Seiple, Gob Squad Arts Collective, IAK – Institut für Architekturbezogene Kunst TU Braunschweig: Folke Köbberling, Sina Heffner, Bernd Schulz, Gergely Laszlo, Max Jeromin, Benjamin Menzel, Michael Zwingmann, Alexa Kreissl and 140 students, Lea Søvsø, Madar Collective: Yong Sun Gullach, Fedaa Sultan, Mimiferment: Reiko Kanazawa, Markus Shimizu, Picnic FM: Andrea Goetzke, Josephinex Hansis, Privatoper Berlin: Roland Castringius, Andrea Chudack, Katharina Laura Kunz, Tobias Opialla, Lars Straehler-Pohl, ReFunc: Jan Körbes, Schneider TM and Tomoko Nakasato, Selbstgebaute Musik: Lea Grönholdt, Matthias Kremsreiter, Sascha Schneider, Manuel Strube, Hajo Toppius (Art collaborators)
The project citizenship is a ZK/U Berlin project by the artist collective KUNSTrePUBLIK (Matthias Einhoff, Philip Horst, Harry Sachs) and was their contribution to documenta fifteen in Kassel. The Community Program at citizenship was produced in collaboration with the artist Jan van Esch. The boat construction was designed, planned and built by Jonas Hohmann.
For documenta fifteen, ZK/U literally raised the roof and set sail to Kassel. For several weeks, the upturned roof became a roof-boat, a citizenship, meant to carry the extended crew through central Germany to Kassel. Even though the journey was cut short due to various unforeseen circumstances, the citizenship provided a stage for collaborations with local and international artists along its path. Now, two years later, under and on the brand-new roof of ZK/U, we revisit citizenship and invite old and new friends and partners to anchor in this new space-port during Commons Cosmodrome.