
Modellproject Haus der Statistik (Vol 3)

Pioneering uses

ISBN 978-3-945659-22-9
Price: 8 € (Handling cost)

The third volume of the booklet series focuses on the pioneering uses that have been taking place at the Haus der Statistik since 2019. The project development at the Haus der Statistik deliberately refrains from using the term interim use - because the pioneer uses are prototypical uses that test on a small scale what is later to be created on a large scale in the neighborhood. The focus here is on process-based learning from and with one another and forms the basis for cooperative neighborhood development. In the booklet, readers learn how the pioneering uses were able to be set up in the context of a large construction site, which self-governing and organizational structures were developed, and which groups and people are the actors behind the various uses.