Heterotopic Places

Fact Finding Committee #02
ISBN 978-3-945659-11-3
Price: 5€
In October 2018, ZK/U invited Martin Conrads to direct the “Fact-Finding Committee #02” (UA #02) on “Heterotopic Places”. From November 2018 until February 2019 the Committee was tasked with seeking out “heterotopic uses and places that are relevant for the 21st century, and could be formative for the future of the ZK/U.” Object of the research were to be “spaces for cultural and social production and encounters in the 21st century,” taking into account historical, current, and future models for such spaces. The spatial expansion of the ZK/U scheduled to begin at the end of 2019 was the background to this inquiry about usage requirements.
The findings of the Fact-Finding-Committee were presented in February 2019 in form of a small print publication entitled “February 29, 2052”, edited by Martin Conrads and published by ZK/U press. It mainly focuses on the expiration date of the current leasehold agreement between the city of Berlin and KUNSTrePUBLIK e. V. (the association running ZK/U): February 29, 2052.
As a contribution for the expansion of the ZK/U beyond the year 2052, “February 29, 2052” is a speculative tool for ZK/U taking into account possible effects of climate change and giving related recommendations for a 2052+ ZK/U.
UA #02, "February 29,2052":
ZK/U Fact-Finding Committees
Artistic direction: KUNSTrePUBLIK
Coordination: Lotta Schäfer
Published by: ZK/U Press (Siemensstr. 27, 10551 Berlin; www.zku-berlin.org/publishing; [email protected])
Print: Penthaus für schöne Formate
Copies: 150
Translations: Wilhelm Werthern
German Proofreading: Martin Conrads, Ulrich Gutmair
English Proofreading: Martin Conrads, Luisa Traumann
Graphic design: Laboratory of Manuel Bürger, Seb Holl-Trieu, Manuel Bürger
Contributions by: Philip Horst, Johannes Büttner/Bastian Hagedorn, Ulrich Gutmair, pswedding.de, Levente Polyák, students from Technische Universität Berlin and Hochschule Anhalt, Clara Bahlsen, Robert Preusse/Stefanie Rau and Martin Conrads.
2019 © Contributors /Autor*innen & ZK/U Press