Good relations at ZK/U Berlin depend on solidarity, mutual respect and trust. ZK/U sees itself as a place where residents, employees, partners, collaborators, and visitors can meet and work together to realize common creative aims. ZK/U commits itself to actively confronting and countering all forms of discrimination, in an ongoing process of learning/ unlearning. ZK/U does not tolerate any form of discrimination, neither racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-Romanyism, transphobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, classism, ableism, ageism nor any other expression of hate, harassment, threats, or violence.
ZK/U works constantly to create an inclusive space, in which everyone can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, sexual harassment, or abuses of power. ZK/U also acknowledges that temporary safer spaces for refuge and recovery may be required following incidents of discrimination, sexual harassment, or power abuse.
The team will take immediate action when any form of discrimination is witnessed or experienced, and will do its best to help meet the needs of the affected person(s), also, if necessary, by recommending further effective options (consultancy, legal support, therapeutic support, etc.). or by organizing professional conflict mediation.
If it is found that a violation of the ZK/U POLICY OF RESPECT has occurred, effective remedial action will be taken. Such action may include, but is not restricted to, the following: informal warning, formal warning, official report of the incident to the relevant authorities, and/or (if applicable) termination of residents’ lease contract / termination of cooperation or collaboration, or prosecution under German law.
Furthermore, ZK/U undertakes to continually reflect on how systemic injustice and institutional discrimination affects its own internal structures and agendas; and it already works to reduce injustice and discrimination by:
ZK/U considers such efforts fundamental to the joint creation of shared spaces of encounter, free from discrimination for all.
for taking the time to read our policy and to commit yourself to complying with its content.
We acknowledge the diverse knowledge, experiences, and aspirations of everyone at ZK/U and therefore invite you to become part of the process.
Please let us know via [email protected] if you have further ideas or feedback on ZK/U’s Policy of Respect, as we see it as part of our collective learning/ unlearning process.