Newsflash 2 // April 2020

Die Lage im ZK/U Berlin // The current situation at ZK/U Berlin

von / by Philip Horst

** English text below ** 

Wer hätte gedacht, dass Forderungen der Klimaproteste nach einer verlangsamten Wirtschaft und Mobilität sich in dieser Schnelligkeit in einem weltweiten Lockdown erfüllen? Wir sind unmittelbar aus der Zeit in eine vita Contemplativa gestoßen. Das schenkt uns die Möglichkeit unsere Strukturen zu überdenken, dabei unsere Privilegien insbesondere in dieser Zeit zu erkennen und unser Handeln zu justieren. Das öffentliche Veranstaltungsprogramm ist auch im ZK/U eingestellt und wir treiben mit auf unbestimmte Dauer geschlossenen Grenzen in eine ungewisse Zukunft. Mit dem kommenden OPENHAUS im Mai werden wir beginnen unsere digitalen Kanäle zu erweitern. Wir freuen uns schon jetzt darauf, Euch in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft wieder leibhaftig im ZK/U willkommen zu heißen.


Who would have thought that the demands of the global climate protests – a slower economy and mobility – would be met so quickly within the situation of a global lockdown?
We have been pushed into a vita contemplativa. This situation is presenting us with the opportunity to overthink our structures, to identify the privileges we hold and to tune our actions accordingly.
Consequently, the regular ZK/U programme of public events has come to a halt. In times of closed borders, for an undefined period ahead, we are drifting into an unknown future.
We have always seen ZK/U as a place of encounter. With the upcoming OPENHAUS in May, we will begin to expand our digital channels. More than ever, we are looking forward to welcoming you back to ZK/U in person in the not all too distant future.

Magic Carpets // Year 3 update

Aiming at a world where many worlds fit*

*inspired by the Zapatistas

The virus fits into all the worlds.
Mainly being transmitted by worlds of privilege.
So from the safety of our privileged worlds at home,  ZK/U launches its first digital residency program around issues of racism and discrimination. Invited artists work in solitude, continue reading, thinking, writing, researching, and speaking to collaborators and audiences through screens. Join us on this new endeavor. 

Everything is constantly evolving (not only in COVID-19 times), contesting structural discrimination and practicing anti-racism are projects of life-long learning, reflection and action. Our projects and its communication become representations of these learning and unlearning processes, and will be regularly updated throughout its duration. #notetaking

(View full text here)


If you have questions on the project or concerns around our statements, please write to [email protected]


Emerging Artist: Melissa Rodrigues 
Local Artist: Ki Hyun Park
Emerging Curator: Lotta Schäfer
Project Platform: Magic Carpets
Funding: Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union 



Deadline: April 23rd, 2020

The residency program offered by ZK/U - Center for Art and Urbanistics in Berlin is open to artists, scholars, practitioners and professionals of various fields whose practice or approach relates to the exploration and questioning of urban reality. ZK/U welcomes residency applications with proposals framed as contemporary artistic positions that are conceptual, interventionist and contextual, and as research and activism in the fields of urbanism, geography, anthropology, architecture and the humanities.

With collaborative practices and peer-to-peer learning at its core, the residency is about exchanging with and learning from other artists and practitioners. It is a space for urban experimentation where fellows connect through common themes and interests. ZK/U offers a “living and working” space within a former train station building, located in a dynamic public park. Hosting regular public events catering to a diverse audience, ZK/U is a lively cultural venue, and residents are encouraged to involve themselves with ZK/U’s programme and to propose their own formats. 

More info
Residency Program & Space: 
Conceptual Frame and investigation leads:
Application Form:


Open Call // Neukölln Stories - Memories of a Neighbourhood


"Neuköln Stories - Memories of a Neighbourhood" is part of an ongoing archiving project facilitated by a nomadicArt platform. It builds on a previous Moabit Stories projects realised in 2017 and 2018, collecting local stories from neighbors and Moabit shops. This year, nomadicArt in cooperation with LITE-HAUS Galerie will launch the project: Neukölln Stories “Memories of a Neighborhood”. This project is funded by Kulturfoerderung, Bezirksamt Neukölln von Berlin 2020. 

OPEN CALL for Neukölln-based artists

We are currently looking for a collaboration with artists based in Neukölln, who would like to develop an art piece in the context of the current phase of this project, Neukölln Stories: Memories of Neighborhood - archiving the (hi)stories​ of Neukölln shops and their neighbors.

For more information about the Neukölln Stories project and calendar please read here. 

If you are interested to know more about the last project Moabit Stories, please click here.

For more information about the project, please read the description and program. If you are interested in participating, please fill the online form.

coming up in May // DIGITAL OPENHAUS

Ab 07.05.2020 // From May 7th, 2020 onwards

** English text below **

Das OPENHAUS ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes, öffentliches Format des ZK/U. Das Publikum ist eingeladen, das Residenz Programm kennenzulernen und mit den aktuellen Resident*innen über ihre Projekte und Prozesse zu diskutieren.

Dieses Mal, in Zeiten des Social Distancings, öffnen sich den besuchenden Kunst- und Urbanismusinteressierten die virtuellen Türen des ZK/U Berlin. Im Rahmen des DIGITAL OPENHAUS stellen jetzige und frühere Resident*innen ihre laufenden Projekte online vor und nutzen so dennoch die Chance, die explosiven sozialen Veränderungen, die Social Distancing auf die Kunstwelt, das Leben, und die Arbeit als Resident*in hat, zu reflektieren. Das Format des DIGITAL OPENHAUS birgt dabei die Möglichkeit, einem neuen Publikum Einblicke in die Arbeit der Kunstschaffenden zu gewähren. Außerdem lässt es eine neue Art der Interaktion mit den Resident*innen des ZK/U sowie eine Partizipation am digitalen Storytelling des ZK/U zu.

Gleichzeitig ist das DIGITAL OPENHAUS ein exploratives Projekt, das die Möglichkeiten einer langfristigen Integration digitaler Lösungen in die bestehenden Formate des ZK/U aufzunehmen erforscht.

Weitere Informationen zum DIGITAL OPENHAUS folgen in Kürze übere unsere Website und die Social Media Kanäle.


The OPENHAUS is a regular public format that takes place every other month in ZK/U, inviting audiences to connect with the hosted projects and to explore the process of its residency programme. 

This time around, rather than welcoming visitors in Moabit, ZK/U is opening its virtual doors in front of the quarantined crowds interested in art and urbanistics in times of social distancing. Within the framework of our first DIGITAL OPENHAUS, current and past residents will present their ongoing projects online and will nevertheless reflect on the explosive changes social distancing brought into the art scene, their work and their daily lives in the residency. OPENHAUS going digital not only allows new audiences to tune in, but also opens up entirely new ways for people to interact with ZK/U residents and to participate in our digital storytelling.

At the same time, the DIGITAL OPENHAUS is an explorative project that interrogates the possibilities of the long-term integration of digital and online solutions into our existing ZK/U formats.

More info will follow shortly, stay tuned through our next newsletter, our website, and our social media channels.