SPEISEKINO // From the Life of a Good-for-Nothing: The Life and Times of Leo Lippold (2013)

by Inge Willems and Ali Haselhoef
Language: German, English, Dutch with German subtitles
Menu: Pasta with asparagus in orange sauce, cherry cake for dessert
Leo Lippold (1954) was an artist born in Thalheim in the former GDR. In his younger years in Thalheim and Dresden, he was involved with Alexander “Sascha” Anderson, A.R. Penck and other poets, painters and ceramic artists from the Prenzlauer Berg group in East Berlin. In 1980, he moved to Amsterdam as a “have-not”, where he squatted a large former factory. He single-handedly founded the Gallery Suspekt and later on the Aschenbach Gallery. Here he exhibited art by his old friends from the East. The Wall was still standing; one of the reasons why works by East-German artists were so sought-after at the time. Like a true capitalist, Lippold appeared at many art fairs in the nineties, and made a lot of money. This allowed him to realize his childhood dream: he bought himself a Romantic castle, a ruin from the Middle Ages, which he renovated on his own. Shown shortly before “Tag der Städtebauförderung” on the 11th of May as part of the Speisekino programme, this film links the reflection on the heritage of post-Socialist housing estates to ZK/U’s current project ‘Rethink Open-Form’ and the upcoming renovation of the ZK/U building.
Jozef van der Heyden, the cook for this evening, is a Dutch artist living and working in Tetterode, the old factory that Leo Lippold squatted at the time. Currently, it is a work and living space for artists and cultural entrepreneurs. Jozef will show two cooking videos from his ‘Heroic Failure’ series. Asparagus and cherries, which grow both in the sandy soils near Berlin and in his hometown in the Netherlands, provide the basis for his menu.
Entrance to the film is free as usual. Food from 7.30 p.m., films from 8.30 p.m.
A meal costs €10. Please, reserve your plate until the evening before by sending an email to speisekino(at)zku-berlin.org.
#squat #DDRKünstler #vegetarian #vegan #history #videoart #communalliving #Holland #Thalheim #Dresden #Berlin #Amsterdam #DDR #ARPenck #AlexanderAnderson #SaschaAnderson #SchlossScharfenberg #LeoLippold #IngeWillems #AliHaselhoef #filmscreening #movie #speisekino #zkuberlin
SPEISEKINO // FOOD AND FOOTAGE is part of ‘Shared Cities: Creative Momentum’ and co-funded by the European Union's Creative Europe Programme and the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.