Picnic FM 2021

Live Radio in Stadtgarten Moabit
June - September 2021 // every third Sunday of the month
ZK/U BerlinSiemensstr. 27, 10551, Berlin, Germany
Picnic FM is a series of outdoor music events, free and open to the public, using the medium of radio in a live setting to provide a communal listening experience in the Moabiter Stadtgarten, directly adjacent to ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics.
Musicians and DJs broadcast through a short-range transmitter, while the audience can borrow or bring a portable radio and tune in, seated on picnic blankets spread throughout the park. After a successful pilot run in summer 2020, Picnic FM is returning for 2021, taking place every third Sunday of the month from June through September.
A variety of musical genres will be represented by artists such as Albertine Sarges, Khyam Allami, Lucy Railton, KMRU, JakoJako and Nansea.
Funded by Music Board Berlin GmbH.