Building and rebuilding
21.07.2022 19:00 - 23:00
ZK/U BerlinSiemensstr. 27, 10551, Berlin, Germany
Amid the chorus of jackhammers splitting concrete, the shifting piles of rubble and sand, the strange holes and doors to nowhere, half of ZK/U’s building has been opened-up, raw and transparent. How does this (re)building reflect or diffract the building of communities, politics, spaces, cities, infrastructures, feelings, affects, movements? What might we (re)construct out of fragments? What openings (in conversation, in process) appear in the cracks when the light gets in?
The offerings range from sound installation, live performance, multi-channel screenings, multimedia sculptures, invocations and workshops, shaped by the broad interests of the ten residents who will be presenting their works-in-progress.
We invite you to meet the artists and researchers in residence and to explore ZK/U’s surroundings, to ask questions about ongoing projects, and to exchange ideas across communities, practices, timeframes, and scales.
Sarah Ciston / Sara Culmann / Don Edler / Re Diaz / Anne Houel / MoaBees / Carmel Keren / Jinyoung Kim / Pedro Oliveira / PARKomplex / Nina Sarnelle / Emily Thomas / Sichong Xie
The return of the bees: MoaBees is going to present a Bees and Art - Catering at ZK/U Bauschilderung_Urbane Bühne.
Regarding the current pandemic situation, FFP2 - masks must be worn indoors at all times. Also, we highly recommend wearing your mask in crowded places such as our bar.