Dagmar Dahle is a visual artist, writer and educator who lives and works in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. Her work is both research-based and a studio/material practice. Histories of art, natural history and social history intersecting with personal history and the felt sense of immediate experience provide a framework for her explorations. Materials and processes include drawing, painting, walking, writing, book making, ceramics, sculpture and photography. Dagmar has participated in several international residencies, most recently The Arctic Circle, an expeditionary residency program aboard a ship travelling the coast of Svalbard. Her poetic prose piece, Painting John Brown Painting, on the work of Toronto painter John Brown was published in Ars Medica (University of Toronto Press, 2010). Her work in painting, including her Berlin-based project, was the subject of an article by Stephen Horne in the journal Border Crossings (Issue #131, 2014). She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Art at the University of Lethbridge, Canada.