
Alicja Dobrucka


Born 1985, Poland.
Lives and works in London.

Recently was a recipient of the Sotiri Prize 2011, Korce, Albania. In 2010 received the highly competitive Deutsche Bank Fine Art Award and Grant in Photography.

Exhibited internationally, most recently at the MAG3 Gallery in Vinenna, Austria, cur David Lillington, The Barbican, London (2012), Experimenta EXD'11 - Architectural Biennale in Lisbon (2011), as a part of the Bloomberg New Contemporaries at the ICA, London and the S1 ArtSpace and Site Gallery in Sheffield (2011), the 54th Venice Biennale with the WW Gallery (2011), Profiles 7, Poznan, Poland, UK Young Artists at Quad in Derby (2010),Hereford Photography Festival (2010), Brighton Photo Fringe, London Photomonth and at the Photographers’ Gallery, London (2010).