
OPENHAUS 19/05/2016

Offene Studios, Installationen, Performances, Radio, Buchpräsentation, Video und KünstlerInnengespräche

Das OPENHAUS ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes, öffentliches Format des ZK/U. Unser Residency Programm bietet internationalen KünstlerInnen, StadtforscherInnenn, AktivistInnen und anderen ExpertInnen die Möglichkeit für mehrere Monate an Projekten in den Atelierwohnungen des ZK/U zu arbeiten. Am Ende des Monats bieten diese KünstlerInnen beim OPENHAUS Einblicke in ihre Arbeit und laden das Berliner Publikum dazu ein mit ihnen über ihre Projekte und Prozesse zu diskutieren.

Im Mai wird das OPENHAUS wieder Einblicke in die Arbeit der KünstlerInnen der Residenz des ZK/U geben. Wir freuen uns u.a. auf Videoarbeiten aus verschiedensten Kontexten, einen Papierflieger der größeren Art, Fotografie aus den Favelas von Caracas / Venezuela, eine Radio Station die live berichten wird und die Eröffnung der Kämpfende Hütten - Ausstellung. 

Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit die KünstlerInnen der Residenz kennenzulernen und das ZK/U-Gebäude zu erkunden, Fragen zu stellen, zu diskutieren und Ideen zu laufenden Projekten und Kunstpraxis auszutauschen. 

TeilnehmerInnen der ZK/U Residenz: Maria Bilbao-Herrera, Mariana Carranza, Cloud Chatanda, Paul Mosig, Rachel Peachey, Diana Rangel, Hae-Geun Seo, Syafiatudina

19. Mai  2016 von 19:00 bis 22:00 Uhr

ZK/U - Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, Siemensstraße 27, 10551 Berlin

Eintritt: Frei


Open Studios, Installations, Performances, Radio, Book Presentation, Video  and Artist Talks

The OPENHAUS is a regular public format that takes place every month in ZK/U, inviting audiences to connect with the hosted projects and to explore the process of its residency programme.

In the month of May we are looking forward to see, among others, video works from different contexts, a huge paper plane, photographic works that were created in the favelas of Caracas / Venezuela, a radio station that broadcasts live during the event, and the opening of the exhibition Kämpfende Hütten. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the artists in residency and explore ZK/U’s space and surroundings, to ask questions, to discuss and to exchange ideas about ongoing projects and artistic practices.

Participating artists: Maria Bilbao-Herrera, Mariana Carranza, Cloud Chatanda, Paul Mosig, Rachel Peachey, Diana Rangel, Hae-Geun Seo, Syafiatudina

19th of May 2016 from 7 pm until 10:30 pm

ZK/U - Center for Art and Urbanistics, Siemensstraße 27, 10551 Berlin

Entrance: Free

Mariana Carranza

following bees 

The existence of bees and humans are interdependent.

According to Albert Einstein: "If the bees disappear, the human being has only four more years to live; no more bees, no plants, no animals, no more humans."

As pollinators they have a huge value, irreplaceable for people and nature. From a monetary standpoint, the work of these small insects reaches (only in Europe) 14 billions euros per year!

All the huge diversity of bee species has one thing in common: the passion for flowers.

Cloud Chatanda

Urban Narrative/ Simulizi Mjini Project

As the Urban Narrative/ Simulizi Mjini Project continues, my work focused on public parks activity and buildings. I realize that public parks and urban buildings are very important places wether for the German or Tanzanian, We all need them for our life and social activities. They should be preserved and improved for the better future. And also taken as our cultural heritage sites, not to be improved for the purpose of economic benefit. This will course the living standard of our people become more expensive to afford and force people who own apartments to leave for economic benefit and live outside berlin or Dar Es salaam.  I want my work to present my concept of this enviroment in different angles.

Rachel Peachey & Paul Mosig


Parklife  is an art research project by Rachel Peachey and Paul Mosig, undertaken with their two young boys, Sascha and Jack. They wonder if it is possible to provoke unexpected qualities of movement and interaction between people of varying ages and demographics through the thoughtful design of parks. They are interested in both individual and society wide perspectives on risk, freedom of expression and movement, population health, safety and care of the commons.

They are surveying the many parks of Berlin, exploring aesthetics, interactions and environmental context. They have also chosen a few parks that are most interesting to them to conduct field studies - that is taking multiple trips over time to the same location to look at how they understand this space and each other in this space using photography, video, drawing and sculpture. At this ZK/U openhaus you can see the beginnings of this project.

Diana Rangel

Game Time

I explored with a group of boys coming from a social reintegration program in Maracay (Venezuela) about their image of past, present and future through performative activities in front of an analog camera. They acted and staged three times of their lives, constructing images of themselves through gestures and a few items they had on hand.

The result is a series of portraits where their criminal past and idealized future join together in time, where their symbolic and corporal memory blends with a mediatized idea of the future.

Haegeun Seo


My works are mainly about fighter jets and war weapons. They are all around us. However, they are hidden, avoiding our eyes. I intend to make people think about them through my work, “Skins”.

In order to make the sculpture I meet people, sometimes in the park around ZK/U, and talk to them about my work. I ask them for paper. Sometimes I go to collect paper in the streets, in the market or in the park. Sometimes some of my friends give me their papers, too. So at the end, the sculpture is connecting all those people.

I make the skin of a fighter jet because the fighter is a highly technologic and very expensive object. A lot of people are interested in those fighters. I think it is a waste. So much high technology in the military is a waste. High technology, money, sciences are energy. I would prefer this energy to be used for people and for the earth.

Why a Russian jet ? The Cold War is over. But the USA still invent very high technology military airplanes like the Lapta f-22, (f-35, x-47b(drone)). The Russia is responding with this airplane : Sukoi Pakfa T50. This situation is still a competition. I want this competition to stop.

Maria Bilbao Herrera

On Becoming 

On Becoming is about using money as a symbol of a very monetized world where the value of things depends of the interests of moneymakers here and there.This assigned commodification value can replace other social values. It describes a modification of relationships, formerly untainted by commerce, into commercial relationships in everyday use.

In a Globalized world governed by the law of maximum profit and by new information technologies we are exposed to many codes and ways of thinking, I started wondering about how we, as a society are trading off our values and identities based on the premise that everything is accepted if our ultimate goal is profit.

My education and culture are governed by divergent conceptions of life. My identity is redefined by mobility. Everyday life pushes us all into a multiplicity of overlapping and often conflicting roles. I see my self sometimes as a fragmented identity in motion, moving from my home town in a third world country to the globalized digital space.

On becoming is about what is a coherent picture for the globalized standad. Is an exploration on the idea that these days any thing is intended for exchange.