Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez & Gustavo Sanromán Vázquez - Gargantúa - IAUZKU: guerrilla magazine projection (Quarantine Edition)
Instagram takeover on 12 May 2020
Gargantúa is a magazine founded and published by Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez (@popversus) in Tegucigalpa, Honduras 11 years ago. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to reach out to the neighbors as an artistic releif, the magazine, which was once printed on paper, has now been turned into a video projected art & poetry magazine, where the a building's wall in Moabit becomes the "paper" where all these dreams and hallucinations are projected upon. Joining forces with Gustavo Sanromán Vázquez (IAUZKU), we project from our kitchen window inviting artists from all over the world to participate in this momentary gate that opens to a world of dreams art, creativity and humor.
Gargantúa #ArtInQuarantine #guerrrillaprojection magazine has become a momentary window for neighbours and passerbys to catch a glimpse of artworks created by contemporary artists across the world. It has also served as space to thank the working class for their effort to keep us healthy and safe.
Gargantúa is a self-funded art project by the visual label PopVersus lead by Gabriel Vallecillo Márquez and with technical and curatorial support by Gustavo Sanromán from IAUZKU.