Doing it together - presentation and book launch

Finding out how different urban actors can cooperate to improve life in big cities is certainly one of the challenges that we face today. The search for innovative models that allow symmetrical cooperation and partnership between citizens, institutions and public authorities is more and more intense.
Join us on Dec. 17 at ZK/U for the book presentation 'Doing it Together'.
Examples of co-governance tools existing in Lisbon, Bologna, and Madrid will be presented and discussed together with the Berlin context.
The book is an outcome of Laura Sobrals' research advocacy project as a German Chancellor Fellow with the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, about tools for the co-governance of public spaces and strategies for inclusive neighborhood management.
Laura Sobral is an architect and urbanist that has been researching and organizing urban interventions and temporary projects in public spaces with the intent of fostering active citizenship by linking culture and city, being one of the co-founders of the Instituto A Cidade Precisa de Você [The City Needs You Institute], a São Paulo based CSO.