B_Tour Festival

"Collective Mapping Walk" by ParaArtFormations
As part of the B_Tour Festival, ParaArtFormations has organized the «Collective Mapping Walk ». You're welcome to come and join the tour.
Starting from : K67 Urban Router kiosk at the Moabiter Stadtgarten (park around ZK/U)
Duration : 2 hours
Language :English
Audience is advised to bring mapping tools : paper, pencils, camera, sound recorder, etc.
B_Tour Festival hosts alternative guided tours which utilise different kinds of strategies and deal with a wide spectrum of topics. The tours are led by 17 local and international artists and artist collectives and will challenge us to rethink our everyday relationship to the urban environent and explore dimensions of citizenship, locality and politics of urban spaces (at the same time they are just fun and offer common experiences).
B_Tour Festival : Friday, August 30th – Sunday September 1st 2013 around Berlin.
Tour : 2€
Festival Pass : 12€
To book a tour : booking(at)b-tour.org
Contact : info(at)b-tour.org
More information : http://www.b-tour.org