
ART as/is SOCIAL Session #4

Socially engaged art institutions

'ART as/is SOCIAL: On engagement in contemporary cultural theory & practice' is a new discursive format with close readings, discussions and case studies around the topic of socially engaged artistic practices.

SESSION #4: 'Socially engaged art institutions' will concern itself with the unique potential of contemporary, hybrid institutional forms (like ZK/U) to engage in society and facilitate artistic intervention. We will be discussing a text by Lucie Kolb and Gabriel Flückiger from the 21st issue of the online journal ONCurating, which can also be found online: http://www.on-curating.org/issue-21.html#.WUAVGPnyi02

To sign up for this session and receive the reading materials, please send an e-mail to lm(at)zku-berlin.org.  

Visit https://zkuartsocial.wordpress.com/ or www.zku-berlin.org/satellite/art-asis-social/ for more information.


SESSION #4: Socially engaged art institutions
Text: ON Curating Issue 21
Wednesday 21st of June 19.00

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1963467870554699/ 


ART as/is SOCIAL is a follow-up project to the discussion series THE NEW ART ACTIVISM that was hosted in October & November 2016 by ZK/U fellow Claudine Zia.


This project is supported by Radboud Honours Academy Nijmegen (NL).

Lianne Mol
[email protected]g

ZK/U - Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik
Siemensstrasse 27
10551 Berlin