Archipel in√est

Open doors in Gelsenkirchen
During the last 12 months KUNSTrePUBLIK has been researching, thinking, talking and eventually developing projects in the Ruhr area. We are very happy to announce the upcoming show and would like to encourage you to visit us at our headquarters in an empty department store in Gelsenkirchen.
From September 26th to 29th, KUNSTrePUBLIK presents ‘Quelle des Archipel’ (engl.: Source of the Archipelago) in the BahnhofsCenter Gelsenkirchen in during its open doors.
With Archipelago In√est, the artist collective KUNSTrePUBLIK creates islands of utopian societies in the Ruhr Area. New possibilities of using public space are tested in Gelsenkirchen and in the district of Recklinghausen. The Archipelago is defined by strictly limited zones of special use, each of which is subject to only one special, experimental goal. These zones correspond to four research clusters: My√est (identifying), In√est (investing), Har√est (harvesting) and Rest√est ((re)producing). Artists have been invited to deal with the different zones and to bring about corresponding projects.
KUNSTrePUBLIK and Urbane Künste Ruhr kindly invite you to visit the ‘Quelle des Archipel’ at the BahnhofCenter Gelsenkirchen. An insight into the current state of the projects will be allowed from September 26th to 29th 2013:
Above a sea of cultivated mushrooms, arises a wooden catwalk made from pallets. Women of the International Culture Club in Castrop-Rauxel present individual and handmade clothes straight from their fashion label Vest. These unique pieces reflect their personal stories of migration. From the catwalk to the couch: we’ll learn more about the identities of the Ruhr Area in the project Psyche einer Stadt (Psyche of a City). On the basis of collected diaries, small extracts will be presented and newly assembled. For the first time, we will see the fears, dreams, and hopes of a region in a lecture performance followed by broadcasted audiomaterial in November. In an additional workshop, dreams and traumata will be captured in so-called Tableaux Vivants – frozen scenes from the history of the Ruhr Area, presented on stage. More contemporary local history can be seen in the Irreality TV Zone. Here, the city is being ’soapified’: passers-by take part in a Daily Soap, which is produced in public spaces in Marl. A teaser of this project can be seen in the Cine-Trailer of the artists.
The open workshop Opel ohne Ende investigates how history and future come together. An entire car will be taken apart. Together with former Opel employees, new functional object will be manufactured. The Restaurant is also working with found knowledge and ‘leftovers’ of the region: What are the truths that can be distilled from five evenings of intense communication during the joint cooking of shelf warmers. We’ll find out in a performative report. How to make a cow from milk, adds another element to the circle of experimental lines of production – presented in a lecture.
Power the Pott shows the potential hidden in the demographic change: a group of seniors produces electricity on so-called Spinning Bikes. The energy will be fed into the local power supply system. The Bit sets free even more ephemeral resources: A new law for founding private nature reservations is imported from Brazil. On a property in Oer-Erkenschwick the original flora is re-established – and as a contrast to this ‘shutdown’, a server farm will be built on the reservation, which speculatively and digitally generates money for the cultivation of the new ‘primeval forest’. Learning from other cultures is also the motto of the Investment Zone: over several months, players from the Ruhr Area and from India will invest a predetermined amount of money into a defined field. Who will make the most out of his social and economic resources? Do take part: the recruitment office is open every day! Another office opens: it takes care of grass-root speculation and shows us, how to spontaneously and jointly gentrify houses in so-called bad neighborhoods by staging ideal communities and spreading the wealth amongst the community. Unlike in regular real-estate business, the usual action of revaluation can increase the sales value of a real estate, and how – unlike usual – the sales revenue can be for the benefit of the community.
All in all, expect an exciting weekend in and around the Source of the Archipelago In√est. Save the date!
Nadin Reschke; Chris Meighan; Gergely László/Tehnica Schweiz; Gernot Wieland + Carla Åhlander; Kulturmassnahmen; KUNSTrePUBLIK; Maira das Neves + Pedro Victor Brandao; Maurizio Montalti; Red Park & Random People; Refunc; Reinigungsgesellschaft; Tellervo Kalleinen + Oliver Kochta
We invite you to come to the opening on Thursday, 26th September at 6 pm, Source of the Archipelago In√est. Open Workshop from September 27th to 29th 2013, from 12 pm in the Source of the Archipelago In√est, BahnhofsCenter, Bahnhofsvorplatz 4, 45879 Gelsenkirchen.
For constant, up-to-date information about the events go to:
A project by Urbane Künste Ruhr