

Plattform für Ko-Produktion


GÜTERVERKEHR is a brother project of GÜTERMARKT, which is a co-production and learning platform. In GÜTERVERKEHR, experts and local actors come together and participants become co-producers. We are inviting 16 workshops for GÜTERVERKEHR in 2020 revolving around the topic of Circular Economy

Next to that, you can find your new two-wheeled companion with Berliner Fahrradmarkt or make use of the pop-up bicycle workshop to get your velo fixed and ready for summer.

Dates for 2020
July 5th / Augut 2nd / September 6th / October 4th  

*More infos about GÜTERVERKEHR workshops will be updated on GÜTERMARKT Facebook page.  

Gefördert durch die Europäische Union, die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, das Land Berlin im Rahmen der Zukunftsinitiative Stadtteil, Programm Soziale Stadt.

Funded by the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany, the State of Berlin within the framework of the future district initiative, Social City program"

(2015-2019) Güterverkehr was co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and is part of the project Shared Cities: Creative Momentum (SCCM).