Semâ Bekirović is interested in themes like ecology, new materialism and non human authorship. At times she has deployed animals in her work, though not really as subject (or object), but in a more collaborative fashion. At ZK/U she will both work on her own works and spent time on the ongoing curatorial/research project Reading by Osmosis, which focuses on the question ‘how nature interprets man’.
Reading by Osmosis is a collection of artworks made by non human artists, like animals, the wind, the sea etc. Historically humans have always been in awe of, and used nature as subject for their art. But nature doesn’t seem to care all that much about us. It is always ready to upend our familiar world. Reading by Osmosis especially focuses on works that are inspired by the human domain, or employ humans or man-made objects as tools and material. The objects range from a muddy plastic Madonna, survivor of the earthquake in Haiti, a fence deformed by over growing plants, to a nest consisting of clothes hangers made by an inventive Tokyo crow.
The exhibition Reading by Osmosis took place at Het Glazen Huis in Amsterdam, in the beginning of 2019. At ZK/U Semâ Bekirović will work on a publication as part of her ongoing research.
For this publication she is working with graphic designer Jan-Pieter Karper and photographer Sander Tiedema. It will contain an essay by philosopher Michael Marder.
You can find more on this project on, and more about her work in general on