“In our cosmovisions we are beings that have surged from the earth, water and maize. We are the ancestral guardians of the rivers.”
-Berta Cáceres
During the period at ZK/U, the artist developed the augmented reality artwork titled “The river told me so”, inspired by the cosmovision of the indigenous land and by the social activist Berta Cáceres, assasinated 3 years ago for defending our natural resources.
The immersive digital artwork parts and re-interprets ancestral indigenous knowledge in order to construct its poetics and aesthetics. The artwork developed in a very flexible way, in order to adapt it to different scenarios: from video projection onto the waters and river rocks to 360º dome projection mapping.
Along with “The river told me so”, Márquez contributed to different thought-processes concerning the concept of <<Ecologies of Protest>> (Ecologías de la protesta), the research strand developed by Agora Collective's platform: in[s]urgênc!as 2019, curated by Paz Ponce.
His residency stay is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe under the frame of the Fellowship-Program Weltoffenes Berlin 2019.